12 ✔️

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After coming home from the hospital, with Jimin being fully healed from his injury, said child immediately walked to his room where he locked himself in. Taehyung and Jungkook was devastated that Jimin who was once a sunshine is gone. Jin saw it happen, while the hyungs distracted themselves by watching television instead of beating themselves about it (even though they haven't done anything wrong). But even the funniest episode of Tom & Jerry didn't manage to cheer the three hyungs.

Taehyung and Jungkook sat in front of the door of their room, frowning and on the verge of bursting into tears once more when Jimin locked himself in their room alone. "H-hyung." Jungkook sniffled, his tiny hand resting on the wooden door while clenching his other fist on his lap. "J-jimin hyung is so mean. Why he do this?" The maknae shed a tear, and Taehyung finally released his dam of tears.

The father scooped the two up and away from the door, worried that the crying of the two would make Jimin feel worse. Jin thought that the boy despised the entire world because he got a really bad wound on his head, and that it was Taehyung's fault for doing that. But the other twin, of course, felt so overwhelmingly guilty for it, that he always apologizes to Jimin at every chance he gets.

"T-taehyung is sorry, Jiminie. Taehyung didn't mean to hurt Jiminie." He cried in that one time he and Jin were staying in the hospital, Jungkook sleeping on his dad's lap while the hyungs stayed at home to study. "C-can Ji-jiminie talk to Taehyung-ngie please? He misses his t-twin so much." He choked out, since he was almost out of breath from crying and begging for his twin to talk to him. Unfortunately, Taehyung's pleas fell to deaf ears, the silent Jimin still staring at his lap and he only produced minimal movements of moving his fingers. Taehyung cried harder when he realized it was useless to try talking to Jimin. The father couldn't do anything; he felt so helpless at the situation between his twins.

And now, on the other room, Jimin was sitting on his own bed, silent tears streaming down his face as he stared at the spot where the small puddle of his blood once was. The spot where his wound was throbbed, unconsciously reminiscing the pain he felt weeks ago.

"IT HURTS!" Jimin screamed while his tiny fists were squeezing on the stretcher, the ambulance almost flying on the road while Jin was clutching at his seat with tears on his eyes. "Baby please, just stay awake for appa, okay?" Jin cooed with a broken voice, tears dripping to Jimin's shoulder while the little boy was crying and screeching in pain. Blood was dripping from his head, staining the floor, and Jin was slowly breaking down the more he looks at his pained son. His tough and fatherly self was slowly fading away, replaced by a fearful and heartbroken man who is so scared of losing his own son. He loved Jimin so much, that seeing him in a pained state made him want to do anything just to take away his pain.

Jimin's face started to lose color, and he was slowly losing consciousness which alarmed the people in the ambulance. "Jimin!" Jin screamed as he shook his son awake, but then the child's eyes were closing, and the last thing Jimin could see was Jin's tearful, wide eyes. "JIMIN!!!"

"Jimin." A voice from the door pushed him out of his thoughts, his eyes closing as he assumed it was Namjoon who is calling him from the outside. Jimin kept his mouth shut, fingers fiddling on his blankets as he forcefully wiped his cheeks from tears. "Open the door, please. You need to eat and drink something."

Jimin hesitated, before quietly walking towards the door to open it. He peeked, seeing Namjoon and Hoseok's blank face, the two of them holding his food and drink. He was surprised that his hyungs doesn't have an ounce of emotion on their faces, expecting their cheeks to be stained with tears as well, just like Taehyung. But he knew that they did nothing wrong, but at least a smile will be nice for Jimin to see at this time. "Appa said that you didn't want to be with us, so we will bring your food and drink." Hoseok mumbles, and Jimin just lets them in with a small frown.

Namjoon and Hoseok placed his dinner down, and they didn't even spare a glance nor word to him as they just left the room. As the door clicked shut, and Jimin started to cry once again.

"Taehyung, Jungkook." Jin called, sighing tiredly as he placed his utensils down. The two don't really have an appetite, nonetheless in the mood to talk to anyone. Jimin was always in their thoughts, his radiant smiles and hearty, contagious laughs, now turned into a dim line on his lips. As Taehyung remembered what his twin used to be, the more tears were gathering on his eyelids, but he couldn't bear to cry anymore. His eyes hurt already from crying too much, his heart hurting too much from the guilt.

Namjoon and Hoseok glanced at each other, while Yoongi was looking at the two sad maknaes. "Eat your dinner, before I try to—" Jin inhaled, leaning back and rubbing his temples to control his temper. Namjoon jumped into action, going to the maknaes' side and was about to scold them. Jin raised a hand to stop the eldest and stood from his seat.

Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other with a scared look, biting their bottom lips as they realized that their father is at the brink of lashing out like a demon to the two naive children on the dinner table. Jungkook and Taehyung froze, sensing a really chilling aura radiating from Jin and they shakily looked up. Jin inhaled and exhaled. "I know...that you two are so sad because of Jimin's self. He shut himself from us, yes, but he will eventually break down his walls, because we are still his family." Jin said, finally cracking a small, reassuring smile that made the five children feel a bit relieved.

"But appa. Me, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook already tried to talk to Jimin, even at the hospital." Namjoon sadly said, feeling downcasted at how hopeless their situation is. "I don't want to push Jimin to talk to us, so me and Hobi didn't even bother to do anything but just deliver his meal." He sighs, and Jin frowned. As if a lightbulb was lit on his head, he perked up and looked at the remaining sibling, who is quite oblivious and just minding his own business. As if he sensed it, Yoongi looked up and paused when he saw eyes boring at his. "Wha?" He blinked, looking at them with a confused look. Hoseok cackled, crossing his arms and gave his brother a knowing look. "You haven't talked to Jiminie."

"So?" Yoongi dragged, shrugging while stabbing the meat on his plate with his chopstick and about to shove it in his mouth. "It's useless to talk to him when he isn't even responding. It just takes time, guys. We shouldn't really just give a lot of effort and—"

"Kim Yoongi."

"Yes sir."

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