Chapter 14 : surprise

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After done doing my work. I get out from cafe as you can see there was a guy sitting on there waiting for someone and guess who? It's jimin.

"What are you doing here? Did I told you many times to leave no need to waiting for me" I sigh looking at him

"Oh you already done?" He said running toward me

"Yes I am" I said in annoyed tone.

"But I.. " He flustered

"Come on" I said and begins to walk he chased me from behind and we walked together.

"Here" He take out a yogurt drink and hand it to me

"What is this?" I looked at him with weird face

"You must be exhausted" He said giving those drinks to me. I drink it

"Woah~so refreshing thank you" I said smiling and tapping his shoulder.

"So what is your answer?" He said looking at me deeply

"Wait jimin.. " I sigh

"If you can accept it it's okay I understand it" He said disappointed

"Hey look.. You and me" I sigh looking away

"Me and you what?" He looking at me with questionable face.

"I guess you need to be more nice to me now" I said smiling looking at him

"What do you mean" He looking at me weirdly

"I accept it " I said and walked away

"WAIT WHAT?!" He smile widely and jumping around excited.

"Wait for me!" He chased me from behind and walk with me. He put his hand on my shoulder I look at him and chuckled. So that's it how our relationship begin.

That night..

I was on my bed trying to sleep but I can't even close my eyes for a second. I realized that I am having a weird feeling and thought on my mind.

"Something feels not good" I said turned around looking at the  window that slightly open.

"Weirdo" I thought. Then I saw it.. Jennie and Tae! From the window my jaw drop and you can see my Exicment! I running to the downstairs fastly and open the door

"Jennie! Tae!" I'm giving them a warm smile.

"Yah are you still not sleep yet? "She said looking at me unbelievable.

"I can't sleep hehe" I said smiling.

"What both of you doing in here?" I said looking at them questionable

"Ouh we want to meet you" Jennie said smiling with her gummy Smile

"Want to meet me?" I raised my eyebrows curiously

"Let's just talk inside right tae?" Jennie said giving a sign at him and push me inside the house. All of us sat on the sofa

"So what is it?" I look at both of them weirdly. Because it's might be weird that they suddenly come at my house this freaking late night.

"Actually.. " Jennie sigh

"Tomorrow is jimin birthday" Tae said

"WHAT?!" My eyes getting wide.

"Then we should make a surprise birthday party to him!" I said smiling widely

"So that's why we came here" Jennie said

"Great! I can't wait for it!" I said giggling. Can't wait to see how his face gonna be surprised!

"So I and Tae had make a plan" Jennie explain

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