Chapter 21: into you

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"You going to have a date with me~" Jungkook grin and grab my wrist tightly.

"Eh.. EHHH?!" I'm in culture shock. Well I know he said like that before but I thought it was just a joke.. I'm dead..

"But-" I tried to escape.

"Well you ain't running away from me today~" He said and begin to walk while holding my hand.  Both of us walk while holding each other hand in silent um.. Okay this is so awkward.. I should brake this silent

"So..  um where are we going?" I asked weirdly.

"Just shut up and follow" He said and grinning. Geez.. No need to be that rude.. Both of us walked until we arrived at restaurant we take a seat near the table. Jungkook glare at me while looking at the menu..

"What's wrong?" I ask.. Seriously I don't know what is going on inside this dude head.

"Dude.. Are u seriously forgetting me?" He said in pissed tone.

"Huh? Forget you what do you mean-" I'm about to finish my word when sudden there was a flashback about my memory. there use to be a boy in the next neighborhood between me and hoseok the three of us always playing together back then.

"YOU?!" I gasp

"Finally you remember me huh? Took you long enough to knew" He giggles

"But how- I mean" My mind blank

"That freak hoseok. Why didn't he tell me anything about this?!" I mumbled

"AHAHA you really quite interesting you know" He smiles.

"How did you ended up in here?" I ask him since its been a long time we didn't see each other.

"Well it's not a fun story~ what point of me telling you this?" He sigh. Well he must been through a lot all alone..

"It's okay buddy now I'm right here with you" I said and tap his shoulder.

"Thanks.." He smile

"Now! Let's get to our main part here!" He said and slam the table.

"Main part? What do you mean?" I ask him weirdly.

"Tada!" A hundred glasses bottle of soju appear. I'm shock

"What is this?!" My jaw drop.

"Since both of us is depressed let's get rid of it!" He said grinning while drinking one of the glass.

"Well I can't say no to that" I said and gulp another glasses.

"Woahh acting so manly eh" Jungkook chuckled and both of us begin to drink like a crazy person until we drank..

"That bastard.. Hicc" I said mumbling in drank

"Who?" Jungkook said and take another glass of soju.

"Who else if it's not that handsome brat park jimin" I said totally out of it and slam my head on the table.

"Woahh you really drank..should I called someone to pick you up?" Jungkook ask me.

"Just forget about it.. I-" I feel dizzy.. My eyes about to close

"No no..I can't just let you leave like this. Let me call someone to pick you up" Jungkook said and take my phone.

"I'm sorry that I can't send you home something urgent came up" Jungkook sigh

"Hmm.. Who should I called? Hoseok hyung is pretty busy.. Ah! I know!" He contacted someone from my phone..

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