Titles Are Just Labels

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Don't you think that's true? So I had ideas and I put them into text. That is literally how I write this story. Hope you like the longer chapters!

Johnathan's POV

No, you may be my babysitter but you are also a guest. Now I must be off to make dinner'

He walks past me and down the stairs to the kitchen. I just stand leaning on the door frame to his pale orange bedroom processing what just happened.

Sherwin is nothing like the other kids I've babysitted before. He is his own thing and I find that quite interesting.

I go downstairs wondering why I keep calling Sherwin "cute". By the time I realized I was in the dining room I could see that Sherwin was already busy with making dinner. But he was wearing a pink apron?

I started getting that feeling again from earlier but it was stronger and I couldn't push it away. I couldn't put my finger on tex exactly what it was but I just wanted to be close to Sherwin I guess.

I walk over into the kitchen and see he's making spaghetti.

"Anyway I can help?" I ask.

Sherwin turns attention from the noodles to me and thinks for a second. He then points to a head of lettuce and 'tells' me to make salad. He gets out all the stuff I need to make it and i start to cut up the lettuce.

After a few minutes I finish the lettuce and notice that Sherwin forgot to get me a bowl for everything. I had noticed what cabinet had a few medium bowls in it while Sherwin was gathering all the stuff I needed.

I tap on Sherwin's shoulder and point to the salad on the cutting board and he sees there isn't a bowl. He opens the cabinet, which was right next to him, and I go to grab one of the bowls but . . . . . Sherwin does too.

We both grab the same bowl and I had my hand on top of his. I felt so strange. His hand was so cold but so warm at the same time. Everything seemed to stop at that moment but as soon as it was there it was gone.

Sherwin had removed his hand and was just focusing deeply on the boiling water but standing really stiff. I just stood there for a little bit, baffled by what I just felt.

My brain finally decided to function again and I grabbed the bowl and closed the cabinet.

I had put everything salad related into the bowl and put it on the dining room table. I sat down and just thought about what just happened.

What exactly had I just felt? It was so strange I've never felt like that around anyone by just touching them. It must have just been shock from the sudden touching. Yeah, that's reasonable. That's all it was, just shock and that's it . . . . . right?

Sherwin's POV

What the fuck just happened? I've never felt like that ever in my life. I don't know what I felt but what I do know is that Johnathan's hand was . . . . . Urgg I don't know what it was. It just felt right? Oh, it's probably just puberty messing with me. Weird things have been happening to me and this just may he one of them. But why did I get all stiff? I guess I'm just not used to people touching me. Although, it hasn't happened that bad with other people. With other people I just get stiff for a second then move on; but with him I stood as stiff as a board for like a few minutes. Something about him make me feel all weird on the inside but I like the feeling.

I focus back into reality and look down. Spaghetti sauce is bubbling everywhere. Shit!


Johnathan's POV

I hear some shuffling coming from the kitchen but I'm too absorbed in my thoughts to get up and see what's happening.

Before I knew it Sherwin was tapping on my shoulder and holding out a plate if spaghetti to me. I grab it and and start eating because it smelled so delicious and it's taste was the exact same. Usually I would just eat whatever I could find around the house which would be sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, etc. Anything that was simple to make I would eat. But this was so amazing.

I was so amazed by the taste that I didn't realize that Sherwin had passed a note over to me.

'You like it?'

I nodded my head eagerly because my mouth was so full.

Sherwin's POV

After a few minutes of eating in 'silence' I looked up at Johnathan and noticed he had spaghetti sauce around his mouth. I grab my notepad and get his attention.

'You have spaghetti sauce all around your mouth'

He grabs a napkin and wipes around his mouth.

"Did I get it all?" Johnathan asks slightly embarrassed.

He had almost gotten it all except for a small dot of sauce at the corner of his mouth.


Me and my mother had been eating spaghetti when I was little. I was always really sloppy when I ate spaghetti and my mother would always tell me that I had sauce all over my face. I would wipe away the sauce but would always leave a small dot somewhere on my face. My mother would lean over the table, use her finger to get the last bit and eat it. The funny part is she would always smile and say, "Can't let such good food go to waste"

Flashback over

I leaned over the table and got the last bit of sauce with my finger just like my mother would. Just like my mother, I ate it as well but I didn't say her line, of course.

Then that's when my brain registered what I just did. Fuck!! He's going to think I'm weird now!

Johnathan's POV

. . . . . . . . . . . I have no words for what just happened. My brain won't work and I just sit like I'm paralyzed, doing nothing. Almost like time had frozen for me but then it started again and tons of thoughts came crashing in.

What just happend?

Ok so not tons of thoughts but the question kept repeating in my head. But really, what just happened?

I swear John, are you really this stupid?

Huh, oh it's my consciousness.

Well yeah dumbass, who else could it be?

I don't know, am I going crazy?

Ugh, why do I have to share the same brain with you again? Don't answer that question. Now about what just happened. Let me give it to you slowly so that you can comprehend my words.




Its done!!! I'm happy and the world is all good. (We all know it isn't). So I wrote this chapter while it was raining softly outside, maybe a good sign? Idk but tell me how the chapter was and please comment especially if there is a mistake.

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