Hues of Grey: Smokey Grey

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The night air was cool to y/n's lung as she strolled through the night, the second movement of the Sibelius violin concerto whispering in her ears. Christian Ferras was playing, she could hear the sadness through his vibrato, the way he dug into the string to create that earthy sound that only he could achieve.

She could see her breath escape her mouth like smoke and she felt her chest hollow out even more.

Nighttime strolls had been a thing she loved to enjoy, it felt like she was connected to the darkness of it, just her, under a blanket of stars.

She stopped in front of a tall building, eyes captivated by the height of it, the sheer tallness and symmetricay that gave it such a gorgeous design. The words LUX shined in bright captial lettered words. People were entering and leaving in their party clothes, laughter escaping their mouths and smiles carved on their faces. Y/n watched with fascination. Happiness, contentment. Two emotions she hadn't felt in a long time, a wave of nostalgia came over her so hard that she turned the other way and walked off.

An arm caught her and spun her around. She immediately grabbed it and twisted it until she held the person in a hold, one wrong (or right, depending on what this guy's intent was) move would break his arm.

She frowned. The men that usually targeted her at night were scumbags easily dealt with thanks to her self defence classes. And everything else she learnt from being with Ian for so many years.

She peered at his face with a shrewd look and took out her earphones, only to hear him yelling at her.

"Jesus Christ woman! Are you out of your mind?!"

She immediately recognised him as the guy who poured coffee on her at the shop today.

"It's you, what the hell do you want?" She let go of him and stepped back, eyes narrowing.

"I just saw you in front of my nightclub. So I figured that you were looking for me."

She scoffed.

"Don't be ridiculous, I was just on a walk and happened across your building."

"Oh really now, is that what we're calling it?"

Y/n rolled her eyes and turned away, intending to just continue on walking her route.


"Oh Heaven on Earth what the hell do you want?"

"Well technically Heaven isn't on Earth, you with the whole - I'm calling in my I - owe - you." He tried again when she began walking off.

"I owe you?" Her left eyebrow raised. "Since when did I owe you anything?"

"Since the day you ran into me and caused me to spill and waste my precious coffee."

Y/n laughed out at how absurd he was being.

"You're actually crazy." She deadpanned."like genuinely mad. Please leave me alone."

"Well, this is new." He muttered to himself, "usually I'm the one telling women to go away, not the other way around."

He never left her alone that night, instead, he walked with her around the city and always tried to talk to her.

Goddamn he was annoying.


The coffee shop was warm with the aroma of coffee, it seemed as if the scent had clung to the fibres of her clothes and the pores of her shirt.

She had a cup of water in front of her, trying to hold back sick and memories. It was horrible in how they seemed to go hand in hand.

"Fancy seeing you here." An attractive English voice said and broke her out of her concentration. She looked up, too lost in her memories to recognise the voice without seeing the face.

"You again." She mumbled and turned away, facing her cup, breathing in it as if it were a paper bag, feeling the heat of her breath fanning across her face.

"So you make it a daily habit to come here?"

She looked at him through narrowed eyes, trying to figure him out before taking another sip of water.

"Not anymore." Y/n muttered. "Not if you're making coming here a daily routine."

He ignored her words and slid a blueberry muffin in front of her.

"How've you been?"

"You saw me last night."

A little something like guilt rose in her chest at the realisation of how badly she was treating him despite his efforts to talk to her.

"You're not letting me work with anything here, y/n." She looked up and saw concern in his dark brown eyes.

"I've been fine."

"Just fine?"

She nodded and stared at her water.

"Just fine?" He repeated again, "Just fine? Come on, tell what you've been up to, what did you get up to?"

His words put a slight wry smile on her lips and she watched as he visibly relaxed a little that he had gotten some kind of reaction out of her.

"And why would I tell you? So you can continue stalking me at my other hideouts?"

He laughed.

"Of course, I just can't get enough of your stimulating company." He winked at her and she snorted a little in mirth.

She decided to humour him.

"I've just been here since the morning." She muttered, shifting her eyes to stare out the windows and watch people stroll by.

"The morning? Why?"

His questions completely shut down y/n's brain as everything that was in her mind before had began to come back. Lucifer had, unknowingly, gotten rid of her demons just with his presence. How ironic.

That thought began to tinge her gut with unease.

"No reason." She manage to choke out, she picked up the muffin and began slowly eating it, trying to distract herself from her thoughts. She didn't know whether the muffin tasted good because she was starving or if it was because Lucifer had bought it for her.

The was a tense silence before he spoke.

A slight pressure on her hand made her look up and immediately realise that he was lmtouching her hand.

"Are you alright?"

"Fine." She snapped, more in surprise than anger and drew her hand away as if she had be shocked with electricity.

"Well you're clearly not." He pointed out. Lucifer stood up, picking up his paper to-go coffee cup. His face was blank from emotions before a cocky smirk laced his lips and he eyes zoom into them before she even realised what she was doing. "I'll be back tomorrow."

Y/n watched as he left the shop, bell ringing as the door opened and closed.

Lucifer kept to his word, every single day.

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