Chapter 2.

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Ky. What's wrong?

Tell us what's wrong, please Ky?


My mum and aunt are really persistent people, man.

Kyle got off of her bed and headed to the door, in hopes that she'll get her relatives off her back.

But something was strange, her mother nor aunt was at her door, and when she scoped the hallway there wasn't a visible soul in sight.

"Maybe, I'm just tired," she thought aloud while plopping herself on her bed, again.

And drifted fast asleep.


Jay, she doesn't remember us!

She really doesn't remember us!

Why isn't she talking to us, Jay?!?


Jay, not you too, ANSWER ME, GODDAMN!!!

Jo, just calm down. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood to talk.

Hopefully, she'll speak to us tomorrow... hopefully.



"Kyle! Do! I! Have! To! Wake! You! Up! Every! Morning!" Kyle jumped up in a hurry as her mother approached the door.

After one last threat, and meeting her near end by the means of a fluffy sliders, Kyle was in the dining room about to start breakfast.

She greeted her MaMa at the head of the table, saluted her aunt, avoided her mother's stares, as she entered and made a complete rotation, to sit opposite her mother and aunt on the six-seater dining table.

Conversation between the adults drifted from a famous soap opera, to shoes, to clothes then to Korean dramas.

And Kyle was just too tired to keep up. As she yawned, all conversation ended.

"Kyle, how are you still sleepy? I told you to go sleep early," her mother almost barked.

This was followed by her aunt's question, "Ky, like you were up talking to Casper, because the house was dead after 9?"

An awkward silence engulfed the room.


"Chicas, it's time to head to school," MaMa tried to fixed the suffocating silence.

And with that they exited the house as quick as they could.




In her class, Kyle's bruises were reintroduced to the feet that caused them, and they ached ever more this early Tuesday.

Class 2:3, had a double period of both Maths and Literature, and a period of World History. They also wasn't allow a break, seeing as the students behaved 'horribly.'

Kyle never understood that, "Why was the whole class on lock down because Jane and her gang terrorized the Math teacher?"

But the day just kept going on, without any answers.

And more bruises.

She would glances back, but only saw the sinister eyes of Jane... she was enjoying this.

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