Chapter 3 Best friends: Mitch and Jerome

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A/N So I have decided that I'm going to make this easy on myself and do a huge time skip to when Adam/sky is 18 and he has meet the rest of team crafted. And I am going to use the original team crafted with Seto as well as adding some new people such as Ryan or bodil so yeah!! I will be adding flash backs to when he first met his friends, two people per chapter. the first is obviously Mitch and Jerome, then next chapter it will be Jason and Seto and Jason, then lastly Ian and Quintin. Hope that's not confusing.

~Sky's POV~

It had been eleven years since I ran away from home, even though I would barely call that castle a home. I trained hard for those years with the help of my friends along the way, and by my side at all times. I had met Mitch and Jerome the day I left Herobrine's castle.


I ran and ran until I couldn't any more. I sat down next to a tree and leaned up against it to relax my body. The evening was silent except for a faint sound coming from a little ways away. I followed the sound to find two boys, well one boy and a furry animal, playing in the forest. One of them had a small bow and some arrows, and the other had a diamond axe. 'I wished I had a weapon with diamond' I thought because my dad didn't trust me enough to give me diamonds.

"Agh! Jerome, it's getting late and my mom will be calling us for dinner but I still want to play!" the boy said.

"Oh yeah, well tomorrow we can get up early and play for even longer!" the furry creature said.

"Biggums! You know I don't wake up earl....." he got cut off from me stumbling from behind the tree I was hiding behind. They both armed their weapons, ready to attack.

"P-please, don't attack me! I-i won't hurt y-you!" I said with my hands in the air.

"Who are you and why were you spying on us?" the boy said aiming his bow at me.

"My name is Sky, and I'm sorry I interrupted you, but I ran away from home and I heard you playing out here and I wanted to see what it was." I said really fast.

"Ok that's enough for me. Do you need food and water and a place to stay?" the boy said.

"Yes. Thank you, and by the way, what is your guys names?"

"I'm Mitch and this is Jerome. He is a happy bacca, you know, if you were wondering."  Mitch must have noticed me staring down Jerome.

"MITCH!" I hear in the distance.

"Ok well that's my mom, so let's go if you want to come." I followed Mitch back to his house.

*End of flashback*

Mitch and Jerome have been together through everything. And it may sound cliche, but I mean everything. I remember when Mitch found his first love interest when we were ten and she denied his love. Jerome was there to comfort him as well as me, but Jerome new just what to say and do to get him on top of his game again.

I was there the day that the worst thing could have happened. I still remember that day as clear as fresh water.


After about six months living with Mitch and Jerome, I decided that since I am not good with the bow, and Mitch is amazing, I will give him my hand crafted bow instead of his old beaten down wooden one, to show him how much I appreciate what he has done for me.

He used it all the time, and just kept getting better every day he used it, and five months later he was almost a pro.

One night we went out to go kill some mobs for practice with Mitch's dad tagging along. After about ten minutes, we heard a rustling in the trees just thinking it was a mob of some sort. But the sound got closer and more suspicious. The next rustle was followed by an evil laugh and bright glowing eyes. 'Herobrine' I thought in my head.

He teleported right in front of us, leaning on a tree.

"Well, well, well! What do we have here? Umm let's see, a little boy named Mitch, a furry creature name Jerome. Oh and my own son who ran away from home. That's ok you were a disgrace to my name anyways." he said not looking at us but at his fingernails.

I looked around to see that Mitch's dad wasn't anywhere around. I turned around to face Herobrine to see he wasn't there, but he was standing next to me, he whispered, "I will come back for you," before  he teleported away.

Almost instantly, Mitch, Jerome and I ran to the house. I noticed that there was smoke in the distance. When we turned the corner, we saw Mitch's house on fire, and his family lying on the ground, lifeless. I wanted to kill him and so did Mitch. Jerome was angry as well. I saw Mitch running towards his mom. She was still barely alive.

I heard a faint sound and turned towards it to see Herobrine. He stared at me with his glowing eyes and said, "My stupid son. Oh the things we could have accomplished. But you were not smart and ran away, and that's fine with me because..." he teleported in front of my face, " were too weak anyways!" he laughed and flew away.

I walked over to Mitch and Jerome who were by his family's side. Mitch was crying and Jerome was trying to calm him down. I just stood there and watched as I took in what just happened to us.

From that night on, we had to survive on our own. We made a temporary tree house to sleep, but nothing we should sit in all day and do nothing. And three weeks later we found a village, just what we need.

*End of flashback*

I sat on the couch looking at the ceiling, listening to the voices of my friends. I kept thinking about that night and I thought that if we wouldn't have gone out there that night, what would have changed, if we would have all been dead. With that thought in my mind, I dosed off and fell asleep.


A/N Soooooooooooo boring ik! But thanks for all your support and votes and stuff!!

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