Chapter 75: Fire Starter

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Hayley's POV

Demi's super strict eye has become a little less annoying as I feel like I'm starting to get a grip on recovery. I'm not even sure if I want to recover, but Demi isn't giving me any say in the matter.

School hasn't been as bad now that Lydia is there. I don't have all my classes with her, but that's alright. I'm used to being invisible, sitting in the back of the class.

During the last class of the day, math, that we have together, I start to feel happier. It's great to have a friend like Lydia; she understands me.

"I have something to say," Lydia starts.

"What is it?" I ask.

"My dad might be getting a job in New York in a few months."

"What? No! You can't go!" I exclaim.

"I don't want to, but my dad found a job to be manager of a music store that is pretty big and he applied a few days ago."

I can't believe that once my life is finally feeling a bit better, something like this has to ruin it for me. I'm super upset when I get home after school. There is no therapy today and Demi is practicing her music, so I decide not to interrupt her and just go up to my room to read.

"Hayley! Are you home?" Demi asks, knocking on my door.

"Yeah." I know that I sound sad but I'm really disappointed.

Demi steps into the room and sits on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I reply. "I'm just tired."

"You're lying," she says, looking me straight in the eyes.

"It's just that Lydia's dad might be moving them again. To New York because he found a management job there."

"Oh, I see," she says. "Well, maybe I can do something about that."

She leaves the room. I already know that she can't do anything about it and no matter what, everything in my life is against me. Still, I wonder what she thinks she can do to help.

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