Titan's Flame: Part 3

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Victoria Monarchy, Tuesday, December 12.

The taxi slowed down before coming to a stopped. We all got out after Mia paid the driver. Professor Jean lived near the top of a small apartment building close to where we got out. Mia led the way through the busy crowd as we followed. The crowd was thick with bustling people moving along in their own world. By now the sunrise was over and the sky turned to it's usually streaks of plain gray across the blue sky.

Once we reached the apartment, Mia turned around to faced us.

"Can you both stay here, I'll be back soon." Mia asked. We both nodded before she walked up a few steps and went through the door closing it behind her. After she was gone we both sat down on the steps.

"I just remembered about grampa's story. Maybe we can go after we find out what that book is." Ash recommended as he leaned back resting his elbows on the step behind him.

"Yeah. We can do that eventually, if this turns out to just be a old blueprint." I responded. We waited a few more minutes before my impatience got the best of me.

"I am gonna go see what's happening. I can't wait another minute." I said as I stood up heading to the door.

"Just be patient, it only has been like four minutes." Ash argued. I paid no attention and walked in. Inside there was a small hallway with a stairs that lead up at the far end and a elevator on the left wall. I was always kinda scared of elevators so I took the stairs. It should only be a few stories up anyway. I ran up the stairs going around and around up to the top. Once I reached the floor where Professor Jean lived I went down the short hallway and looked for a door with his name on. It wasn't long before I found it. I opened the door without knocking. A tall thin man was sitting down at a desk. Books where stacked all over the room but Mia was not there.

"May I help you?" The professor asked. I spent another second searching before I answered.

"Was Amelia in here a minute ago?" I asked feeling awkward. His eyebrows perked up.

"Why yes, she asked for me to decipher some Alpha Formish Script that read, "Titan's Flame." Do you know where she got it. She wouldn't tell me but I really would love to know." Jean asked politely. I paused for a second, thinking of what my response.

"I am afraid I also can't tell you. Though if your the only one who can read it maybe we'll bring more. If she left I probably should get going." I responded as I closed the door and took off down the stairs. So it was Titan's Flame. That name felt so familiar though I could quite remember. I swung around and down the last stair corner and ran to the door. As I opened it I saw Ash and Mia waiting for me. Mia was upset that I hadn't wait for her.

"Why are so impatient? I was coming down." She asked. She must of took the elevator when I was heading up.

"Sorry, I was so excited to find out what it said. What do you think it means?" I asked as we started walked together to the edge of the street. Mia held out her hand to call a taxi.

"It's a blueprint for a large structure. Nothing to important." Mia answered. I paused in confusion for a second as a taxi pulled up.

"Isn't it Titan's Flame? That's what Jean told me, the name is super familiar. Maybe the building is called that." I asked walking around to get in the other side of the taxi. Mia bit her lip for a second as she got in the front seat. Ash tapped me on my shoulder once we were in the taxi.

"Isn't that the ship in the tale grampa was telling?  That means the story could actually be-" his imagination seemed to interrupt his statement. Mia told the driver where to go and slowly we moved along the street. Ash was right, or at least about the name. Maybe this was a the first version of the tale, but it was blueprints. We needed to see grandpa again. Ash seemed to read my mind as he got Mia's attention.

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