Part 1:Into the Wild: ~~Chapter 1~~

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A/N-You don't have to play the music. Its just nature sounds. Enjoy!!


Lily's POV

I woke up one night after a dream. It was strange but I think talking to Rusty about it will help me feel better.

As I walked towards Rusty's house and instantly spotted his bright, flame colored pelt, illuminated by the moons rays.

"Rusty!" I called as I raced towards him, "watcha lookin at?"

"same as always Lily." He replied looking at me warmly.

"Hello Lily. where are you off to Rusty?" Greeted Smudge.

"Hello, Smudge." Rusty and I greeted back.

"You're not going into the woods, are you?" Smudge questioned, his Amber eyes widening at the thought.

"Just for a look. You comin Lily?" Rusty asked me with a pleading look.

"Of course I will, mouse brain! You wouldn't last a second out there without me!" I boasted with a mocking look.

"Count me out! Its so dangerous!" Smudge exclaimed with a distasteful look. "Henry told me he went into the woods once." Smudge gestured with his nose towards the garden where Henry lives.

"That lazy old tabby?" I let out a mmrow of laughter at the thought.

"Yeah! That fat old cat never leaves his garden! All he does is eat and sleep!" Rusty scoffs.

"He did! He caught a robin too!" Smudge exclaimed. I roll my eyes while picturing Henry suffocating the poor bird with his rear.

"Then it was before the vet. He complains about the birds annoying him in his sleep!" Rusty points out.

"Anyway," Smudge continued, ignoring our scorn at the story, "Henry said there are huge wildcats who eat live rabbits for breakfast and sharpen their claws on old bones!"

"Were only looking around," I meowed. "We wont be long."

"well don't say I didn't warn the both of you!" purred Smudge. The black-and-white cat jumped down to the grass of his own garden.

Rusty looked at me and I looked back at him and shrug my shoulders. Rusty gives his shoulder a nervous lick.

"Don't worry about smudge. Hes only trying to scare us out of going." I said coolly.

"Well... Okay..." Rusty looked uncertain but stood up anyway.

Then there was a flash of grey and we watched it scramble under some brambles.

We both instantly dropped into a crouch. I looked at Rusty and signaled I was going to circle it. As I was walking around, I realized it was a mouse eating at a seed. Once I was directly across from Rusty and made sure the mouse was between us, I yowled as loud as possible. The mouse let out a shrill squeak and ran straight towards Rusty. unfortunately, Rusty jumped out a bit too early and the mouse veered away from him. As if on instinct, I chase after it and pounced, swiftly breaking its spine, killing it.

I held up the mouse to show Rusty was looking at the bushes. Then I realized he was looking at. A bright red-and-white tail. I saw him stalk forward but he stopped and his ears swivel to the back. I listen to and here... Pawsteps? I see Rusty continue to listen and stalk towards the red fur. I started to realize the pawsteps getting louder and louder and it dawned on me that we were in danger.

I saw a grey mass shoot out of the brush and hurtle towards Rusty. I dart forward and try to rip the gray mass of fur off of Rusty's back.

Rusty instantly flipped onto his back and we heard a "hhuffff" from under him. Rusty managed to get free and we ran to the Twoleg dens.

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