~~Chapter 2~~

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Bluestar halted on the edge of the clearing with her Clan lined up beside her. Some of the cats from RiverClan and ShadowClan turned and acknowledged their arrival.

"Where'd you disappear to?" Graystripe appeared at me and Fireheart's shoulder.

Fireheart shook his head. 

"Doesn't matter." I mewed. I was still troubled and confused by our conversation with Bluestar, and felt glad when Graystripe didn't press us, turning his head instead to peer around the clearing.

"Hey, look," he meowed. "The ShadowClan cats are looking stronger than I thought they would. After all, Brokenstar left them half-starved."

I followed his gaze to a sleek ShadowClan warrior. "You're right," I agreed, surprised.

"Mind you, we did do most of their fighting for them!" scoffed Graystripe.

I rolled my eyes and Fireheart's amused purr was interrupted by Whitestorm. "The ShadowClan cats fought as hard as we did to chase out Brokenstar. We should honor their determination to recover," he meowed sternly, before padding over to a group of warriors gathered beneath one of the great oaks.

"Oops!" mewed Graystripe with a guilty glance at Fireheart and I.

The three of us stayed on the edge of the clearing. I could easily pick out the apprentices from the other Clans-their fur looked kit-soft, their faces round, and their paws plump and clumsy.

Two warriors approached Graystripe, Fireheart and I. A small brown apprentice tagged after them. I recognized the gray tabby tom from ShadowClan, but not the smoky black tom who walked with him.

"Hi!" meowed the gray tom.

"Hello, Wetfoot," replied Fireheart. I glanced at the dark brown cat.

Wetfoot meowed, "This is Blackclaw of RiverClan."

Graystripe, Fireheart and I nodded our greeting. The apprentice stepped timidly forward.

"And this is my apprentice, Oakpaw," added Wetfoot.

Oakpaw looked up at me with wide, anxious eyes. "H-hi, Moondust," he mewed. I nodded my head in greeting.

"I hear Bluestar made you warriors after the battle," meowed Wetfoot. "Congratulations! It must've been a cold vigil."

"It was!" Graystripe agreed.

"Who's that?" Fireheart broke in. A sleek she-cat with a mottled brown pelt had apparantly caught his attention. She was sharing words with Tigerclaw beside the Great Rock that stood in the center of the clearing.

"That's Leopardfur, our deputy," growled the RiverClan warrior.

My fur stiffened as I thought about the previous RiverClan deputy, Oakheart, and how he had died in battle with ThunderClan. I was saved from having to say anything by Bluestar's bounding onto the top of the rock to start the meeting. Two other cats joined her, and one of them, an elderly black tom, sounded the call for all cats to gather beneath the rock. I recognized the black tom, and couldn't help feeling surprised. Had old Nightpelt become ShadowClan's leader since Brokenstar had fled?

When we had settled in front of the Great Rock, Bluestar spoke. "ThunderClan brings to this Gathering its new medicine cat, Yellowfang," she announced formally. She paused while all eyes turned to the old she-cat with the thick fur and flattened muzzle. I noticed her shuffle her haunches on the hard ground. Early in me and Fireheart's apprenticeship, we had spent almost a whole moon nursing the she-cat back to health after she had come to the ThunderClan camp. Now I could tell by the way her right ear twisted slightly that she was uncomfortable under the gaze of the other Clans. Yellowfang had been medicine cat to ShadowClan, and cats hardly ever left one Clan to join another. She looked around the crowd slowly until she met the gaze of Runningnose, ShadowClan's new medicine cat. There was a brief pause; then they exchanged a respectful nod. Yellowfang's ear straightened and I relaxed.

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