I'd like you to know that
These words have been in my head
for a while now.
I've just been too shy, stuck, anxious...
To let them out of this rattling cage
Some people like to call my brain.You say you're broken,
Damaged goods.But when I look at you-
When I stare into your coffee brown eyes,
My lungs fill with life
And my heart is flooded with that feeling-
The one you get when you look to
the sky and become genuinely ecstatic
to be living on this Earth.You give me that feeling.
The feeling I get in Alabama
When I listen to the crashing waves
And feel at peace because
I, Just a girl,
Am standing on the line separating
the old life from the new,
Watching it wash up onto my feet,
Then back again.You fill my cracks with flowers and
Shove your light into my darkness.
It seems that I,
This once lost girl
Stumped upon you,
Someone who needed direction.For you, I feel everything.
The stoplights seems brighter,
The nights seem longer,
And the days seem better.
The jokes funnier,
The clothes softer,
The ice cream colder,
The kisses sweeter,
The rain cooler,
And the trains louder.They call you broken boy-
The one who has had his life
handed to him,
Not on a silver platter,
But on a wooden spoon
that gives away
splinters like free raffle tickets.Don't listen to them.
Those voices that plead
"Stay in the past."
"Don't find your new happy."
I beg you, don't listen.My friend, there is so much more
out there for you.
Clouds with your name
signed on their bellies,
And waterfalls that won't stop pouring
Until you reach out and touch them.Go there.
Run helplessly into the future.
Into a new happy,
Into a new chapter of this,
one hell of of life-
Because...Maybe you are broken,
Maybe we all are-
But for right now,
You are mine
And I, yours.
And that makes me glad.Okay?