Chapter 2

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            Rune's POV  

     All I could remember was the feeling after the fall. Water engulfing every single part of my body, hugging me, but suffocating my last breath with its embrace. Willingly, I let it all go. Not fearing death, but accepting my fate. Relief swarmed my body as my lungs felt surprisingly full as I finally invited the water in. There was no light, no heaven, and no hell. Just... darkness.

      A silent voice, sweet and gentle, started to whisper from all around. Although, it seemed  to come from a distance. I could make out a young woman's voice speaking to me.

"Rune, I am Sirena, the Goddess of the Ocean and Sea. I have saved you from death and I am giving you the chance to relive here in my world amongst others like you." she said.

"I don't understand, what's happening here. Where am I?", I asked confused and terrified. 

"You, Rune, have been been chosen. I have selected you from many young girls that I have seen pass in my ocean, but you are special. Your pure heart has spoken to me like no other. I am here to give you a second chance."

"Chosen? Me?"

      Out of the darkness a bright figure started to appear. This beautiful woman with yellowish glowing skin started to swim toward me. Her hair flowed with soft motion as she glided through the water. She stopped directly in front of me. Now, I was able to notice her delicate features with detail. Her eyes were a piercing blue, as bright as the clear morning sky on a summer day. Carried with her, the aura of all beauty. I would say, she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, but she wasn't human. Under her human like torso she possessed a tail. Sirena wasn't just a god, she was a mermaid. 

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