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Small TW. Iddy bitty, might not even notice it.

It went like that for a few weeks. Michael kept his head down. Rich pestered him. Jeremy was confused as heck. He still sat their table but never spoke unless spoken to. He tried so hard to avoid talking to Jeremy, and one day he just couldn't.

Ten years ago, when Michael was six his mother left. He was ten when his father died, but at least he knew he had a mother. When he arrived home last night his uncle was 100% sober. He should have known something was up. When he found out his mother had died, he didn't cry. Michael wasn't in the least bit sad, just unbelievably angry for reasons his mind couldn't even slow down to process yet.

The next day, being as extremely preoccupied as he was, he let his guard down for 1 minute. Exiting the bathroom during his free-period, he felt a hand strongly grip his arm which was still covered in the half-healed 3rd-degree burns. Michael winced (hopefully not to visibly) and whirled around to face his attacker, but came face to face with an angry Jeremy Heere. Michael relaxed slightly as an old habit but then tensed. Jeremy's face was angry, but when he spoke, he sounded heart-broken.

"I think I can understand why you are avoiding me, Michael, but... I-I still want to be your friend. And you don't have to keep secrets... could you tell me how you broke- or... fractured your arm?"

Michael was blushing slightly when he looked at the ground and shuffled his feet, the cogs in his head turning quickly to avoid the truth. "I, um- I fell out of a tree?"

Jeremy took a moment to process this because he knew Michael was lying. His face suddenly hardened. "you fell though... you didn't- you didn't jump?"

Michael shook his head vigorously. "N-no. No way. You know I'm a coward"

Jeremy allowed a small smile then said "Then tell the truth"

Michael couldn't take the tension anymore, he felt tears slide down his face. he looked up at Jeremy and choked out words. "c-come to... my p-place t-t-tonight. I'll answer s-some of your q-questions" he said between sobs. "a-and you can bring your... friends to" With that, he turned away and walked out of the bathroom already wondering what he agreed to. And leaving a flustered Jeremy to deal with the confused Mr. Denver in the last stall.

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