Chapter 3: Gai-sensei

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Mitsuki stared blankly at the Hokage, internally panicking. If he'll tell them, they might as well damn try and find his nii-san, using him as bait. Or worse, try and kill his brother. Sure, he's brother's immortal, but they'll find a way to kill him. They're not hailed as the greatest village for nothing. Oh sweet mother of Jashin.

'That's why that blonde's here. He's a Yamanaka!" Mitsuki realized with a start. Back in Yugakure, he was able to read about the different clans in the Five Great Nations, thanks to the head librarian, Natsumi Matsuda or Nami-san as Mitsuki calls her, who was a friendly, old lady who was quite friendly with him and his brother. She was the only one who genuinely cared for them, being more of a mother to them than their real  one. She was the one who taught him how to read and write. Unfortunately, she caught a terminal disease and died when Mitsuki was five.

According to one of the books Nami-san gave him, the Yamanakas were mind readers, able to read the memories, secrets, and life events of other people to little or no difficulty, whatsoever. Not only that, but they also have great sensory abilities and can communicate telepathically to nearly a whole battalion, which is quite useful during wars and battles.

Mitsuki sighed. No way in hell is he going down without a fight. His answer shocked most of the inhabitants of the room.

"I'm not telling." He replied firmly, his hand reaching out for his pouch while still keeping his gaze at the Hokage. He briefly wondered why they didn't strip him of his weapons. Maybe the old man has something to do with that. The aged Hokage sighed as he massaged his temples.

"Mitsuki, don't make us do this the hard way." The Hokage sternly told the boy. Mitsuki just stubbornly shook his head. The Hokage sighed. Ibiki made a move towards the boy but halted when the Hokage held up his hand.

"Fine. Why don't you tell us what crime your brother committed, instead of his name." He bargained. Mitsuki pondered about it for a while. A few seconds later, he nodded.

"Murder."  The Hokage laid his hands down at his desk as he watched the boy intently. Murder is a common crime that persuades even the most skilled shinobi to defect from their village.

"Murder?" He echoed, gesturing for Mitsuki to continue. Mitsuki nodded.

"Before leaving Yugakure, he basically slaughtered all of our neighbors. It was so damn great!" He explained excitedly. Inoichi choked on his own spit. How can someone be so enthusiastic about a slaughter? Mitsuki went on, oblivious (as usual) to the shocked faces of the shinobi in the room.

"It was so damn cool, ya know! How nii-san laughingly sliced them in half, I mean! Oh! And even more so when they choked on their own blood! Damn, that was the freaking best! Oh wait. The greatest was when he freaking let me try it out! Although the katana was heavy. But who cares? It was still so damn fricking awesome! Hell, even more awesome than that time when nii-san............" He babbled enthusiastically, still not telling his brother's name. The occupants were stunned. This kid had actually enjoyed killing others! Not only that, but also enjoyed the sight of blood!

Ibiki held a spark of amusement and happiness in his eyes as he let a very small, genuine smile touch his lips. This kid would make a fine shinobi some day. He understood the concept of killing. Not many shinobi do. Inoichi, on the other hand, had eyes as wide as saucers. His parental instincts are kicking in as he listened more to the babbling child in front of him. He was about the same age as his daughter, Ino, and he had already seen death and pain. Hell, he was even a cause of it! Kakashi just blinked owlishly before it all dawned upon him. His eyes widened a bit. But it makes perfect sense. The blood on the boy's clothes are from his victims. Kakashi briefly wondered how old the boy was when he made his first kill. Based on what he had said, Kakashi can safely assume that it was the boy's first time to kill when he slaughtered his neighbours along with his brother who was yet to be identified. But he didn't specify how old he was when he did those.

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