Chapter 8: The Academy

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Mitsuki's POV

"I wanna die."

I groaned as me and Gai-sensei walked towards hell aka the Academy.

Gai-sensei had stopped answering to my complaints after the thirteenth time, which was actually when we were still home.

I'm pretty sure getting Gai-sensei annoyed isn't something a lot of people can brag about, so I'm taking that as a win.

I pulled my hood lower as the Academy came to view. Great, more socializing.

The first thing to register when we got to our destination was the noise. Kids screaming for all they're worth, laughing and shouting at each other, it was complete hell.

I turned towards Gai-sensei with a mournful look.

"Please tell me this is all a joke."

He gave me a confused look before smiling that bright smile of his.

"Don't worry, my YOUTHFUL student! In time, you'll see them as comrades you'll never hesitate to help when the need arises!"

Right. Comrades. I internally scoffed at that. Who needed them? Sure, having friends seems to be quite interesting, but I doubt I'll ever allow them to get close enough to be considered comrades.

I shook my head as Naruto suddenly came to mind. He's merely a friend at the most. Just like Chōji.

Entering the building, I was surprised to find that it wasn't as noisy inside as it was outside. Almost like we entered an entirely new place.

Following Gai-sensei around twisting hallways that would no doubt confuse anyone else my age, we eventually ended up in front of a closed room, which seemed to have the most noises inside.

As Gai-sensei knocked lightly on the door, I internally prepared myself for the day.

Not like I was going to spend the whole day in class anyway. I pulled down my hood even lower, barely being able to see.

"Come in." A young, but not that young voice called from the inside.

Opening the door, Gai-sensei gestured for me to follow him in, not like I was gonna do just that.

Third Person POV

The room instantly quieted as soon as a weird-looking man and boy came to view.

The man had bowl-cut hair, bushy eyebrows, a tall and muscular build, and was wearing a jōnin vest. He was also wearing weird orange leg warmers.

Beside him, a boy not much older than eight sulked, his hood making it so that the students could barely see his face.

He was quite tall and wore a purple hooded vest over a grey shirt with matching pants and sandals. A few strands of snow-white hair poked out from the hood.

Iruka Umino smiled up at the pair before turning to address his students.

"Class, we have a new student. I hope none of you would give him any trouble." He briefly froze when he realized he didn't even know if the kid was a boy or a girl. He turned to Gai, who merely patted the kid's head, gave his signature grin and thumbs-up, and left the room.

The kid didn't even budge, just stood there looking down at the floor. Iruka cleared his throat.

Instantly, the kid's head snapped up to him, revealing a purple right eye with his left eye being covered by his bangs.

Iruka gave an encouraging smile.

"Why don't you start by telling us your name?"

The boy stared blankly at him for a moment before turning to the rest of the class.

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