Chapter 113 - Green Qilin

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This chapter is sponsored by William Wang, Akashch Gotra, Kevin Bian and Alejandro Doyle! Thanks!

TL: Probs last ZL chap of the day... Sorry! I'll be posting Alchemist God chaps and BTTH for the rest of the day...


I quickly retreated from the field with use of a [Haste] to a more secure location 100 meters back, making sure not to pull any aggro from the surrounding monsters. I was not going to join Lui Ying's fight, lest I wanted to die in the hands of a few mob monsters. I just stood where I was, watching Liu Ying's group get picked off one by one.



One of the Healers shrieked. She had fallen, torn by the sharp claws of a Cat Spirit. Even I couldn't afford to take a direct hit from one of the Cat Spirits. Judging by how fragile Healers are, it's wasn't hard to guess what had happened to her...

Satisfied with the easy kill, the Spirit Cat meowed and turned towards the next Swordsman. It was not long before he fell too.

Liu Ying sheathed his sword quickly and ran for his life with Piggy following closely behind. Using [Haste] to run faster, Liu Ying left Piggy in the dust. Soon, Piggy faced a blast of scorching heat and was rapidly engulfed by the Cat Spirit's [Flame Fan Dance]!

"Boss! Return to the city when you get the chance!" Piggy yelled with his dying breath.

Liu Ying had barely managed to escape the two Cat Spirits on his tail. His face was purple from exhaustion. He couldn't believe that over 300 of his guild's elites had fallen prey to the Flaming Cat Spirits.



I cast a quick [Heal] which restored me to full HP. I called Baby Bobo and rushed towards Liu Ying, my sword ready. The sword pulsed with energy, ready to cast [Fierce Ice Blade] at a second's notice. I gave the Tyrant of the Western Chu a fierce smile on my face. "Guild Master, allow me to see you off!"


The Tyrant of Western Chu's face turned a nasty shade of purple. He brandished his sword and roared, "Come at me!"


I meet my opponent's charge head on, letting him strike my armor in a shower of sparks. Four damage numbers appeared above my head——



Liu Ying's face turned deathly pale as he watched my HP stay above 50%. He could no longer deny the rumors of my incredible defense.

I unleashed my [Fierce Ice Blade].


The Tyrant of Western Chu dropped to his knees, shaking. His HP bar dropped rapidly and settled around 50%. I hollered a battle cry, cast for .2 seconds, and executed the [Wind Blade] skill!


Bobo quickly followed with another attack, and Liu Ying was dead!


Whoosh! A light rose from his body, surrounded by loot. A longsword was among the assortment of potions. Holy crap! Did I really manage to seize the weapon of [Wrath of the Heroes]'s Guild Master? Damn, it has been a long time since I felt this good.

I picked up the longsword, placed it in my inventory, and noticed the two Cat Spirits bounding towards me. Time to leave!

I used [Binding Chains] to hold one of the Cat Spirits, and turned, easily killing the other one. Afterward, I took my time to pick up the loot dropped by the [Wrath of the Heroes]'s players. I cleared the remaining Cat Spirits in my vicinity and searched their bodies for loot. There was a total of 11 Bronze and Silver equips along with various other one-use items such as Arrows, all obtained free of charge. How kind of them to have died and left these to me...

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