Chapter 201 - Natural War Machine

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Translated by: Decepticon, Vk
Edited by: Sac, Zephir, Eric, Based Jessica, NorthFury
Final Check: Zdog, GGP

This chapter was sponsored by EVERYONE!


Once Tyrant of Western Chu heard this, he became flustered while holding onto his sword, "Where...where did that group of people go to? The General Family? Hmph, they're a group of losers... they shouldn't be a threat to us, right?"

Piggy couldn't help but laugh, "Losers? Guild Master, if you really think the General family are losers then you are gravely mistaken. Although they lost at the Guild Prestige Battle, it was because their opponents were far too strong. [Flying Dragon] had hired [Vanguard]'s elite squad: the 13 Eagles and top ranking CBN players from both Fan Shu City and Jiu Li City. Even with that, they barely defeated [Valiant Bravery]. Now...[Valiant Bravery]'s elite group has joined together with Xiao Yao Zi Zai; Yue Qing Qian and Yue Wei Liang are experts in the Ba Huang City's rankings. They are already out for vengeance with a burning fury, do you really think [Zhan Long]'s strength is less than [Valiant Bravery]?"

Tyrant of Western Chu's face became pale as he realized the gravity of the situation. But with a slight chuckle, he said, "It shouldn't be as bad as you make it out to be, after all...after all, we have nearly 1400 people, a number that is 3 or 4 times bigger than theirs. Even if each [Zhan Long] member becomes like Spartans, we'll still win..."

Piggy took a deep breath: "We'll have to fight with our full strength or we'll lose for sure!"

Tyrant of Western Chu did not speak, the only thing he could do was shudder.



Finally, a roar came from the other side of the hill. I've been looking forward to hear this sound for ages. A dense group of elite heavy armor players came rushing at us from the hillside, with General Li Mu and General Wang Jian leading in the front. Their golden titles had Ba Huang City's ranked 5th and 10th over their heads, it was far too obvious!

"Crap, they really came!"Piggy's eyes looked like they were going to pop out from his head.

Tyrant of Western Chu's face ashened but he raised his sword up into the air and commanded out loud, "Sixth group, seventh group, rush forward to block them!"

Immediately, two one-hundred man squads leapt forward to meet their enemies. A group of Monks pounded their shields onto the ground and crouched down under the shields. It was a typical defensive formation.


General Li Mu lowered his body and knocked a shield away. At the same time, golden hexagrams appeared on his sword and he easily killed a Lv 49 Knight; the difference in stats was way too large and the opponent had no chance of blocking him!

Old K was also at the forefront, wielding his beloved Haunted Twin Blade Battle Axe. With a roar, a strong wind picked up as he snarled and whirled his battle-axe. He was like a killer windmill as it swirled out; [Whirlwind Slash]'s AOE killing ability was truly too powerful. Combined with the damage of the Haunted Twin Blade Battle Axe, he was basically invincible. Completely engulfing the vanguard of [Wrath of the Heroes], he dealt astonishing amounts of damage–



He had split open a path by his own might!

Wang Jian stabbed an Archer while saying, "My god, Old K's attack power has no limit! What kind of S ranked skill is [Whirlwind Slash] supposed to be? It should be a SSS ranked skill instead..."

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