Chapter 209 - Dragon Temple

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Translated by: SnowTime, xDh20, Ciel, Vk
Edited by: Based Jessica, dabenor, Zephir, Sac and Mcbaconator

This chapter was sponsored by Matthew Gibson! Thanks!

I stood there in astonishment as I gazed at the beautiful woman warrior standing in front of me: "Frost, you are going to be my mentor in the future?"


Frost gently nodded and then suddenly started laughing: "What, are you not willing to be my disciple? Is it because you think I can't compare to Karl?"

I quickly shook my head: "Not at all, not at all, that's not it..."

"Well then good......"

Karl smiled coldly: "Okay, since it has been decided, then......come with me to the depths of the Dragon's Tomb!"

Frost nodded: "Alright!"

Saying this, she turned her body around and looked at me: "Don't worry, I will bring you there......"



Following my beautiful new mentor, I suddenly felt a great sense of security. If the strong, but gentle and enigmatic Frost would truly become my mentor, I would be well off. After all, Frost was the captain of the Imperial Knights of Dragon City, the most elite force, the direct subordinates of Dragon City's king, Luo Lin.

The three of us walked in two rows, me and Frost in front while Karl was behind us as we went to the deepest part of the Dragon's Tomb. We went deeper than I had ever been in this area. Ahead, in the underbrush, the normal imps became Elite Lv 65 monsters. From this, it was easy to see that the deeper you went into the tomb, the more difficult the map would become.

"Zhi zhi...."

A few imps, with their teeth and claws bared threateningly, rushed over. I quickly drew my sword in preparation for a fight, but unexpectedly Frost's speed was faster than mine. With her sword brandished in front of her, an invisible sword energy was sent out and instantly slaughtered several imps. My eyes widened as enormous damage numbers popped out above the dead imps——


I watched flabbergasted; so this was Frost's attack! Only heavens knew what level she was and what rank of boss she would be classified as! In short, she was already strong enough to kill me with no more than a single attack!

Ten minutes later, a heavy and dense blood red fog appeared not too far from us and Frost wrinkled her eyebrows, saying softly: "Be careful. Beings with unimaginable power lurk in these shadows."


I held my long sword tightly and looked around my surroundings. On my shoulder sat Baby Bobo. With its eyelids opening and closing while staring at me, I felt like I was being stared to death.


Soon after, we reached the end of the canyon where a blood red stone monument covered with vines blocked our path. A few inscriptions were engraved on the monument, while a network of ancient runes was imprinted on the enormous boulder. It looked a bit frightening, to the extent that I could sense the immense energy buried under that massive rock – insurmountable power!

"We're here......"

Frost halted,and pointed at the boulder saying: "Your enemy is buried in the depths of this area. However, this place has already been sealed for eons, therefore......"

She laughed: "You have a day to prepare. Look for strong teammates. On the other hand, Karl will use his strength to break the seal throughout today. Tomorrow, at this time, you must have brought your companions here to accept this challenge. I can only wish you good luck...... that...... Are you ready?"

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