Chapter 5

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Silence, silence was all he heard, darkness was all he could see. Why didn't he feel anything? Why was everything so dark? Actually, he could feel something, pain. Pain was the only feeling he could feel, and it hurt. 

Paul noticed that his light rings didn't work, he felt so pathetic.  He felt like he was drowning, drowning in darkness and there was nothing he could do about it. Suddenly he could feel something else other than pain, something soft and reassuring. He reached out with his paw, he wanted that soft feeling to stay, it reminded him of something a long long time ago. A light came out from the darkness and Paul felt like he'd gotten new strength, he reached out and touched the light.

Dawn looked worriedly at Paul while Brock cleaned and bandaged his injuries, she could still feel the ice-cold chill in her heart when Ash came back with an unconscious bleeding Paul on his back. His breath had been shallow and his pulse had been low. She shocks her head, she didn't want to remember because now he was safe. Brock finished his work and went to talk to Ash.

Dawn slowly stood up, her legs protested at her actions but she ignored it. Dawn slowly made her way to Paul and curled herself around him. It didn't take long before she drifted to sleep.

Some hours later when the moon stood high on the night sky she woke up, everyone around her was sleeping. Ash and Misty slept side by side, May and Drew also slept together tho May slept on top of Drew. Dawn noticed that Brock wasn't there and she worriedly looked around. She let out a breath of relief when she saw him walking into the cave.

"What were you doing outside Brock?" she curiously asked.

Brock jumped and looked at her, "oh I was just admiring the stars" he answered.

Their conversation was cut short when Paul started to stir and moaned out in pain when he accidentally touched his injuries. 

"Paul you're awake!?" Dawn cried.

"You're too loud" Paul grunted as he opened his eyes.

"Ahh sorry" she whispered.

"Don't try to move you've got some pretty bad wounds" Brock stated firmly as he started to change some bandages that were soaked in blood.

Paul flinched at the touch but stayed still.

"Try to go back to sleep, you need it" Dawn whispered in his ear.

Paul only grunted in response. Dawn then started to hum quietly and Paul felt his eyelids get heavier and heavier until he drifted off to sleep.

Next morning     

Drew woke up when he heard someone talk, so he stood up and immediately felt something was wrong. He felt shorter and he was standing on all fours. He looked down at his feet and saw paws instead, Drew almost panicked but then remember the events happening the last day. He shakes himself and padded across to the others.

"Well I can't leave, I have to keep an eye out for him," Brock said to Ash and then looked over at Dawn and sighted "No Dawn you can't go you're still recovering!"

Dawn let out a huff of annoyance and slumped back down, her head resting on top of her paws. 

"What are you talking about?" Drew yawned and went to stand besides May.

"Oh look who decided to wake up" May teased.

"Oh shut up" Drew growled back.

Brock rolled his eyes at their childish behavior and proceeded to answer Drews question. 

"Well, I want our potions to last long and not run out so I thought of bringing some herbs and plants from the forest instead. However, I can't leave the cave because of reasons" He said as he eyed Paul. "Ash and Misty don't know anything about herbs, Dawn is injured and May is clueless.

"Hey, I'm not clueless!" May pouted in protest.

"Hmm, I can go if you want" Drew said thoughtfully.

May and Brock looked at Drew in surprise.

"You know any herbs?" Brock questioned. 

"Well, I have some knowledge unlike some of us" Drew proudly answered smirking at May.

"Well, then you can go" Brock smiled.

"Can I come with you?" May shyly asked.

"Ehh sure, as long as you don't run off by yourself" Drew said and gave her a half smile.

So it was settled and the two eevees wandered out from the cave. They walked for quite a while when Drew suddenly stopped. He lowered his head and sniffed at a plant.

"What's that?" May asked when Drew started to pick the plants leaves.

"It's called Dock leaf it's used to soothe scratches. It also soothes sore pads and can ease the pain of wounds," Drew answered his mouth full of leaves.

"Can you pick those flowers for me? they will ease the pain of aching joints" he pointed at some daisy flowers with his tail.

"How did you get so good with plants? May asked, astonished with Drews knowledge.

Drew went quiet for a moment, he then told her that he didn't remember. So May left the subject after seeing the uncomfortable look on Drews' face. She pondered the question for a moment and nearly tripped over a tree root which earned her a smirk from Drew. May stood up and shot a death glare at his direction clearly embarrassed of her clumsiness. They continued their journey and found a big leaf to drag more herbs on. Some hours later around lunchtime, the big leaf was full of herbs and berries as they made there journey back home.

Suddenly Drew stopped and turned his head to the trees in the distance. May wondered what made him stop.

"Drew what is it?" she silently asked tilting her head to the side.

"Ahh, nothing you should worry about MARCH" Drew shot back his infamous smirk plastered on his face.

"My name is MAY!" May shouted back and thus started the bickering. 

Drew quickly turned his head back and his eyes widened when he saw a pair of yellow eyes in the shadows.

"Hey Drew you coming?" May impatiently asked.

"Tsk sorry June" Drew smirked back.

May just pouted and walked with her nose and tail high in the air as they made there way back.     

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