Chapter 7

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After the brief meeting, Misty decided to walk down to the pond that lay nearby the cave to take a swim. She arrived and was met with a beautiful sight, the pond sparkled like diamonds and the water was so crystal clear and fresh you could see down to the sandy bottom.

Misty let out a shaky breath of excitement as she prepared herself for a dive, she took a deep breath and dove. When she hit the water she could feel a strong feeling of happiness pulse through her bloodstream. She opened her eyes and was met with the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, the underwater world was even more amazing then she could remember, the colors shining brightly from the bed of corals, all the brightly colored fish that swam around and the breathtaking seashells that seemed to shine magically at the sandy floor.

Misty swam around with ease her tail making her movements swift and graceful without any effort at all, she explored everything in the pond, from the brightly colored corals to the soft green seaweed. As she swam around she noticed how long she could be underwater without breathing, she felt as if she could stay there all day.

As she swam around, performing swift yet graceful and elegant movements, just like an underwater dance she didn't notice a dark shadow closing in on the pond, bending down its head.

And without warning something heavy landing on top of her in the middle of her performance. She let out a loud gasp of shock making all of her air sail to the surface in big air bubbles. She quickly swam to the surface closely followed by the creature that had landed on top of her.

"What in Arceus name do you think you're doing Ash!!" She spat once she'd taken in a couple of harsh breaths.

"Heh sorry Mist I was just admiring your dance and failed to notice how close to the edge I was," he sweatdropped shaking the water out of his fur.

At his words, a small blush started to form on Misty's face and she started to ramble saying stuff like shut up and not saying stuff like that out loud, all while her face became more and more red.

Ash, dense as he was only sweat dropped and asked if Misty wanted to join him on a walk. Misty pouted and soon they were on there way into the forest.

"Hey, Ash?" Misty asked.

"Hmm?" was the answer she got.

"Did.....did you mean what you said?" Misty looked down, blushing madly. Ash only looked questioning at her.

"Ehh what, what you said about my performance before!" She stammered going completely red.

"Of course I meant it! why wouldn't I?" Ash laugh. "Hey Mist you look cute when you're flustered!"

"Ash you idiot!!!!" Misty shouted blushing madly and started to chase him.

Soon they ran around laughing and chasing each other inside the deep forest. As they started to get tired Misty tripped on a root and fell, Ash continued to run and she could hear him getting further and further away. She slowly rose to her paws letting out a tired breath and started to actually take in on her surroundings. She noticed how dark the forest seemed and quickly started to walk in the direction Ash went.

After walking for quite a while she felt a chill up her spine, she spun around a was meet with a large dark shadow ball crashing into her. She let a cry and fell painfully down on her side. when she opened her eyes and looked around trying to find her attacker she was only meet with dark laughter bouncing around in the shadow of the trees.

She jumped to her paws and glared into the darkness hissing that she wasn't afraid. Soon a big Migthyena walked into her field of vision, she quickly noticed the wounds covering his body.

"Who...who are you?!" she hissed glaring dangerously at him.

"Oh, another one? I wonder how many Eeveeloutios there are here" the Migthyena smirked.

"Answer my question!" Misty spat.

"Oh, how rude of me hehe. My name is Yoru a pleasure to meet you" he said.

Misty's eyes widened, Yoru that was the pokemon that injured Paul. Misty staggered back eyes still wide she had heard what an amazing trainer Paul was nearly if not equally as strong as Ash were, and if this Yoru could beat him then Misty wouldn't stand a chance, especially as she didn't know any moves yet.

"'re the guy that injured my friend!" she said trying to look intimidating.

"Oh?" Yorus eyes narrowed "So you are a friend to that stupid Umbreon?!" he growled. "What a pitty and you even looked decent for an eeveeloution," he continued to walk closer to Misty.

"S...Stay away from me!" Misty tried hard to hide the panic in her voice.

Suddenly she could feel something wet running down her face and she realized she was crying.

Noo not in front of him, stay strong Misty!! she thought desperately to not show any weakness.

If only Ash was here he would know what to do.

Her toughs were interrupted by Yoru launching himself at her, Misty stood frozen in terror a thousand of thoughts running through her mind. When Yoru was only meters from slamming into her, his big sharp yellow teeth gleaming dangerously, someone double kicked him in the face. Misty broke into a reviled smile.

"Ash!!" She beamed.

"Are you ok?" he asked his gaze searching for any injuries.

Misty shook her head "No just a little shaken."

Ash turned his head back towards Yoru who struggled to get up again. He glared at him and prepared to battle.

Yoru stumbled up to his paws but instead of attacking he started to walk away his eyes set firmly on Misty.

"Grrr if I was not still recovering I would kill you both, but right now it would be to bothersome. Tell your friend Umbreon that I want a rematch as soon as I'm well enough to fight."

Ash and Misty watched him leave, then Ash looked back to Misty.

"Why did you leave me you, idiot!?" Misty growled but, not in an angry way more in a hurt kinda way.

"Sorry I figured you were behind me" Ash smiled sheepishly at her.

"I...I thought I was a goner. That I was alone" Misty could feel tears well up in her eyes and she angrily wiped them away with her paw.

"Sorry Mist I promise I'll never leave you alone again," Ashes warm brown eyes locked with Mistys aqua blue and she felt as if her heart would jump out of her chest.

She leaned in and nuzzled him letting her tears silently fall.

"You big idiot" she whispered.

Ash only smiled and together they made there way back to the cave.

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