Chapter 13

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see end for notes


Pain, what even is pain? As far as he knew pain was something physical something you felt when you were hurt somewhere, he of course also knew that pain could be psychological. He had, of course, felt it whenever he had said goodbye to one of his pokemon. Even so, he had never really felt a lot of psychological pain before, keyword being had. These past few hours had been one of the most painful things Ash had ever experienced. Someone he thought of as a friend, someone he had started to appreciate more as they had spent time together testing boundaries. It pained him, seeing someone dear to him hurt as much as Paul was right now, the blood, the blood, The blood, OH GOD THE bLoOD.It was a battle, no doubt about it. His heart had stopped five times. five times the world had momentarily stopped, Ash in his stupor had five times started his heart. He had electrocuted his rival more than ten times now. Brock didn't know if the scars would be visible or not. Never in his life did he want to feel one of his friends' life slip away between his finge....... paws. He would never let it come to that.


Brock felt regret, he felt pain and regret because of his words."If he goes, we all go together and if this is Yoru and he challenges Paul to a battle, we are allowed to interfere if it starts going south. Are we clear?"That promise had been broken, he had been frozen. Never in his life had he seen pokemon bee so violent, so bloody, so.... deadly. Brock scoffed, of course, how dumb could he be, pokemon need to feed, how else would they survive. Not all wild pokemon where feed after all. He just wasn't ready for the real wildlife it seemed.


The small cave felt dark, it felt moody. They could all sense it. But in every dark place, there must be light and the shallower rise and fall of a dark matted fur were all the friends needed to keep hoping. Dawn, Drew and Brock took some well-deserved naps while the others kept watch, and soon night became dawn and new hope filled the air.


Short chapter but I'm starting to figure out how I will go about writing this story.

As you can see I updated the cover for the story, hope you enjoy it. if you want to see more of my art I suggest going to my Instagram username: atemins_ or for pokemon related stuff: ahndho 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the short chapter and we'll see when I'll update next.

Stay safe!

Here's the cover

Here's the cover

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