The Trial

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So, you know how I said that I felt like my arm felt like it was burning from that... nurse thing?  Well, it is actually on fire now.  I'm okay.  Perfectly fine.  Totally.  Okay, no, not really, I'm searching for a goddamn water source, running around this fucking place with my arm on fire.  

The only thing that I found that is equivalent to a water source is blood packs beside hospital beds.  I sat down on the closest bed, and...  fell through it into a dark cave, whilst reaching for the blood pack.  As soon as I hit the ground, I passed out, and I think that I got a concussion.  

Later on, I woke up to having my body being dragged along in ropes, behind a strange man sitting upon an also strange horse.  I groaned in pain, and the man looked back at me.  "Hmm.  Your awake," he told me, in a deep voice.  "Must have a strong will, soul, and body to still be living.  The name's Shaun.  What's yours?"

"Jomuffen," I told him, or at least attempted to.

"Oh, I like Jo's muffins too.  I have some of them in my pouch.  Quite tasty.  I can give you some, but I asked for your name."

I spat out some blood, and maybe a tooth or two.  "Oh god---"

"Right here."

I sighed.  "Well, okay.  My name is Johnathan.  John for short."  

"Okay, John.  Here, you asked for one of Jo's muffins earlier, so here you go, have one."

He stopped, turned, and--- oh, wow, "are you a centaur?  Because I thought they were only myths," I asked him.

"No, but oh gods, you have so much to learn," Shaun told me.

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