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I was in hell and it wasn't the first time, it definitely wouldn't be the last. Tomin had left me to fend for myself, on my own and I didn't blame him, I would have done the same. The night had started out rather horribly. I hasn't been able to get into any shelter because they all required an identification document that I did not have, they wouldn't let me in without it and eventually as the weather became so bad, their new excuse for leaving me out was the fact that it was packed.

I was running around trying to find an actual roof that I could hide out under, preferable small enough for me to generate heat and get comfortable.

I got to a garage that looked closed and stood under it's port. I was shivering and  wet from head to toe. It would keep me from getting wet, but it wouldn't keep me warm. I looked around for a solution and saw a dumpster on the side of the building. I stared at it for a moment before nodding. I began pushing it so that it stood under the port. I left it against the wall and opened it. It had multiple plastic trash bags and I jumped inside.

It luckily didn't smell bad, it hadn't been used to dispose of food. I moved the bags around for comfort and used them as pillows and blankets. Eventually I sighed and shivered slightly. Slowly, I was beginning to feel a bit warm and I relaxed.

I found myself dreaming about the comfy bed I slept in last night which made me frown. That one luxury would never find me again and it made me sad to think about how awful my life was. I had to struggle everyday for food and in winter, I struggled even more for a warm place to sleep and when it rained as badly as tonight, it was an even bigger job.

I thought of a dark eyed kind man as big as a wrestler and thought of how fortunate I was to have at least known him, even briefly, I was glad he gave me a chance to experience comfort even if it may have only reminded me how pitiful I was. It was an experience nonetheless. It also showed me that people could be kind, that kindness hadn't died, not completely. This thought made me simile as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke to the feeling of nails digging into my calf. I hissed and missed the rat by a hair. It squeaked and ran off and I bumped my head onto the lid of the dumpster I was in. I peaked out of it to see that it was still dark out but it was probably morning, people were probably st home getting ready for their morning shifts which usually started at 6 or 7 am. I got out of the dumpster and groaned with my stretches. They felt so good, my muscles.

I proceeded to move the dumpster back to the corner it had been in and I was glad to see the rain had stopped. It was chilly and my breath misting before me.

I felt my stomach grumble and I held it, pushing against it as though I could trick it into believing that it didn't need food that badly.

I began my walk back to my usual alley, I walked with my arms around my body, rubbing my arms over my coat to try and heat myself up a bit more. I began jogging on the spot, getting the blood flowing. I coughed and rubbed my throat. I think I was catching a cold.

I didn't see Tomin until the afternoon and the clouds hovered over us making it seem like night would be here soon. It had rained only once since morning and I had yet to find any food people weren't outside much today and I didn't blame them. I was walking up and down the street watching those who did come out for lunch. A woman in a suit  smiled at me and held out a plastic bag for me.

"Thank you," I said full of gratitude at the woman didn't seem to understand how haply she had just made me. She only smiled and continued in her way. I dug in the bag and pulled out a warm sandwich she hadn't even eaten it along with a warm drink and a sugar covered bun, I looked up at her retreating back and smiled a bit.

Winter Rains{ManxMan}Where stories live. Discover now