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They were laughing like friends. I looked between them in wonder, I hadn't been gone that long, they couldn't have spent enough time to have actually gotten this close. Could they?

I watched as they ate and spoke, Nick touched Kevin's hand which lay on the table for a whole 5 seconds. The contact got to me, I felt the skin beneath my eye twitch before I looked at Nick who caught my eye with his smirk and winked my way.

A permanent glare was fixed on my face the whole time. Lunch even came to an end with me scowling at my cousin who only laughed.

"Stop being so obvious." He whispered with an amused chuckle into my ear as we said goodbye. He winked again as he pat me on the shoulder. "We should go to Japan sometime before the year ends." My brows furrowed then wondering why he was being so random then.

"Right..." I spoke softly and slowly before he went to give Kevin a hug. I huffed in annoyance then before having to break them apart when it felt longer than necessary.

I shoved my hand between them, pulling Kevin against me, I subtly pushed against my taller cousins chest who only laughed. I glared heatedly then.

"Bye, Nick." I mumbled through clenched teeth before I hocked my arm around Kevin's shoulder and steered him away from my overly handsy cousin. "Sorry about him, he has no boundaries." I rolled my eyes then and Kevin chuckled.

I looked down at his short self, he was so adorable, wearing a large trench coat to protect from the cold, the collar his half his face but I noticed the colour rising to his cheeks. He then glanced up at me from beneath his eyelashes before tilting his head up, he blinked and I felt my chest warm and my body shake subtly. He was honestly a sight to see and now that I had admitted my feelings to myself and too him, it was harder not to notice how absolutely adorable he could be.

"Boundaries are good," he commented with a chuckle. "Sometimes." I blinked then and I became painfully aware of my arm still around him, awkwardly I laughed and touched my earlobe, looking down in embarrassment and slowly removing myself from him.

I was too obvious.

"S-sorry, I forgot." He mused as he watched me and I knew he could see my blush.

"It's okay..." He looked down. "You're very warm." He mumbled lowly and I smiled a bit.

"Uh, yeah, are you cold?" I looked him over to try and see how many layers he had out on.

"A bit..." He tucked his hands into his coat pockets then and stared at the ground, while I couldn't held the frown on my face. I quickly wrapped my arm around him then, bringing him closer to my body, it may have looked like something else to other people but all I could think of was the fact that he was cold and he needed to stay warm. For his health. Yeah, his health.

"Your cousin is nice." We had walked slowly, the car coming into view. We had parked rather far due to the cold and the traffic. One would think with this kind of cold people would stay at home. Who was I to judge though as I was one of them? "I like him."

My throat was dry suddenly as I glanced down at him.

"I think he and I will become good friends." I pursed my lips trying not to think about his words. How easily he admitted to liking my cousin, my best friend, basically my brother. I coughed slightly and looked ahead, my eye twitching slightly. Not going to think about it. At. All.

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