Chapter 1: What to Call You

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Penny: Welcome to anyone who has not met me yet. (I don't know how because I have literally 20 stories.) I hope you enjoy this fanfic.

Dick P.O.V.

Things started to change with my brothers when I turned thirteen. Things also changed with the team. Everyone was looking at me all summer. They bit their bottom lip when I would smile, they stare for a moment too long and, were always blushing. Bruce said it was just puberty and that things would be fine. I looked over to my left to see my older brother Jason staring. "Jay? Jason? Do you mind?" I asked him when he came to his senses. He stopped looking at me and blushed while looking away. 

The first day of ninth grade was weird too. My bully, James, asked me how my summer was. He might have just been scared because my three older brothers were standing behind me. I saw a familiar tenth grader with red hair. "Hey, Wally!"I said running up to him. He looked up from his book and smiled.

"Hey, Dick. How's puberty treating you? Wait, nevermind that was a dumb question. Why do you make puberty look like a cake walk?" Wally asked looking me up and down while smiling.

"I don't know, but everybody is looking at me," I whispered to him. Wally, even before puberty was my boyfriend. Nobody knew, not the team, not my school, not my friends, and definitely not my family. This was going to be an interesting day.

Wally P.O.V.

I sat next to Jason in homeroom. We were sort of friends. "Are you coming over after school?" Jason asked in his usual bored voice.

"I guess," I said to him with a smile.

"Okay," Jason said looking away as the teacher walked in. Jason was the opposite of Dick: Jason was a killer, had no innocence, and was a no-nonsense kind of guy.

The bell rang and Jason got called to the office. "Hey, your brother already got called to the office. Is that a new record?" I asked Dick when I saw him at his locker. Dick rolled his eyes but smiled.

"He put crabs in the girl's locker room," Dick said as if this were a normal conversation.

"Typical Jason," I said and we both started laughing. That was until one of the football jocks came over and wolf whistled Dick.

"Hey, sexy." He said leaning against the locker. Dick looked around to see who he was talking to. "Get lost ginger!" He yelled and his minions dragged me around the corner then dispersed. I turned around to see my boyfriend becoming one with the locker in a tangle of tounges. This went on for about three minutes and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "See you soon hot stuff." The jock said smacking Dick on the butt. I ran over to Dick to see him crying. I took him to the principal's office to find Jason leaving.

"What's up? Why are you guys here? Don't tell me I'm rubbing off on Dick?" Jason asked with his eyebrow quirked.

"Dick was molested," I said. Jason growled and Dick just cried.

Penny: WOOOOOOOOO! I'm done with the first chapter finally!

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