Chapter 4: The Void

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Penny: So, I'm giving up yet another one of my stories to one of my siblings. E is taking over the story and will hopefully make it a little more serious.

Random P.O.V.

The void in my heart will be filled forever when I kill the Kid Flash. Robin will be mine and no one can tell me otherwise. 

Dick P.O.V.

I ran to school with my brothers and we sat outside waiting for someone to even look at me. My brothers growled at anyone who came towards me. Wally walked up and they parted the little circle to allow him inside to join in the growling. The bell rang and Barbra walked with me to class. 

"So, Dickie what happened yesterday? Your brothers were pissed." Babs said looking me up and down.

"Some guy did something. No big deal." I said.

"No big deal. What did he do to you?"

"Attempted rape. Wally's always there for me though."

"Did you see the principal, what did your brothers do to him, who is he?" She asked shaking my shoulders.

"Babs chill. Kate is coming back next week she can deal with him." I said as we walked into the classroom. The classroom stared at me. One of the girls winked and waved for me to sit next to her. Bab's and I took the seat closest to the door.

Jason P.O.V.

I talked to Wally all through class. "She better know what she's doing," I said to Wally as we worked on a project. Artemis was sitting across the room and talked with another girl. She stole glances at Wally every once in a while. 

"She is Dick's best friend. Well, best female friend she can handle it. She's Batgirl for crying out loud." Wally whispered back. I laughed a little. "Plus, Dick can take care of himself. He'll be fine." He continued before focusing on the project. He was more nervous than I am. I can see it in his body language. The next thing I knew I was being called for dismissal.

Kate P.O.V.

I decided to show up a little early to surprise my brothers. Damien stood next to me along with Tim. Jason and Dick were running down the hall shoving each other. Dick is still so small. He ran and jumped into my arms. "Katie! What are you doing here?" Dick asks getting out of my arms.

"Thought I'd show up early," I said looking over at Damien. He told me something bad had happened to Dick. I would get the person who did this if it was the last thing I did. I pulled Dick to the side. "So, I heard something happened to you. I'm gonna grab your boyfriend and he's gonna tell me who did it and I'm gonna make sure he never bothers you again." I said smiling. I took my brothers outside and we all got in my car and drove home.

"Hey, Alffy," I said opening the door.

"Mistress Kate, I was not expecting you and the boys to be here so soon. I'll begin working on your room." Alfred said walking up the stairs. School for them ended in twenty minutes.

"I'll be back boys," I said walked to the Batcave and grabbing my motorcycle. I drove to school and looked at the picture of Dick's boyfriend. He could do better. I saw Barbra walking out of the school. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug from behind. "Hey little me," I said.

"Katie!" She said excitedly.

"So, where's this boyfriend of Dick's?" I asked as Barbra pointed. "Wait here. I'll drive you to the manor." This was going to be fun.

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