Chapter 9: Teens Meet the Team

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Penn: I've been gone for so long! Just so you know there will be around nine more chapters. With all of my newer fics, I haven't really made time for updating the old ones and I'm really sorry about that.

Kori P.O.V.

A bright blue portal opened up and Terry jumped through it. I followed as well as the rest of the team. We ended up in a mountain of sorts. A boy with black hair and a boy with red hair were laughing as they went into the room of living. They froze when they saw us. 

"Hello, I am Starfire of Tameran, this is Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, and Robin," I said to the boys whose mouths were open wide. 

"That's not possible because I'm Robin, not you. Kori is with Jason probably getting it on. Gar and Rach are married and in the Bahamas. Victor is in the Justice league so who are you, people?" I looked at the small boy before answering his question.

"We are the Teen Titans. Who are you?"

"Our team doesn't really have a name yet but I'm Robin and this is my boyfriend Kid Flash. That is Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Artemis. I guess you could call us The Young Justice League?" He said before walking up to Terry. 

"I guess you can call me T since you seem so attached to your name." 

"Considering the fact that I'm the fifth one to have this name in my family yeah I'm a little attached to it. My parents called me their little Robin so it kind of worked out." the kid said before walking out of the room with his boyfriend following.

This was going to be an interesting time.

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