Chapter 4. Missed Goals.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.... -.- My friend started dating someone who I told her specifically not to date..but of course she doesn't listen to me... Is she even a real friend anymore? and now she's deppressed... well that's what she gets.. she's all for herself and never caring about anone else. well guess what..? IM DONE.



Keeping my eyes on the soccerball as it travels to my feet. With one touch with the outside of my right foot, I push it over and glide it down the sideline. As a girl comes up to me threatening to take the ball away from me I keep my eyes on the ball. Pulling it to a halt I look for my team-mates. Rapinoe wide open I push the ball back to my right foot crossing it over to her. As she catches the ball with her chest, she vollies it by the goalie who tries to grip it with her mangled gloves. As the ball radios towards the goal, the goalie makes a tense face as it travels past the grip of her hands and snaps the back of the net making the crowd go wild. 

As the whole crowd cheers rambunciously, I run over to Rampinoe and bear hug her as the rest of the teams travels around us joining in on the hugs.

As we all let go I stare at the crowd smiling brightly. I wave my hand happily as I run back into my position, traveling my wandering eyes I look at the crowd again. Wanting to see if I knew anyone. But no one was there. Snapping out of my watching i hear the sound of the whistle to start off the kick-off again.

After twenty minutes of kicking, trapping and scoring, It was finally over. Score 4-3 another U.S. victory. Quickly making our way out of the stadium field and into the locker rooms. As I walk with grace and victory a note drops on the floor next to me. I look above to the seats as I was about to make my way inside. I see only cheering fans. I pick up the note and place it in the side of my shorts. I'll read it when I get inside. It's probably just a little congrats note. Or some crazed fan telling me to have sex with them...gross but th truth.

I rush over to my locker and quickly slip out of my murky soccer clothes and go towards the shower to hose off. After a five mintue shower, I run over to my locker again and slip on shorts and a Adidas purple sweatshirt and sliders. I'm about to pick the note out of my soccer pants when the coach speaks up. 

"I just wanted to say beause of this victory we will be moving on to the gold-medal game and of course we are versing Japan. So this means we must focus girls and no distractions." With that she waves and walks out the door leaving us to ourselves. I hear all the girls mumble to eachother. They'll probably question me about the note that's plastered in my hands. So I just go to the bathroom. Walking inside to one of the stalls I open the note with exciement.

To: Ali Benson (and whoever gets this please give it to her) 

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I asked you out. I didn't know it would be so upsetting to you. I just wanted to say that you were great today. And on another note, can you meet me by the big tree by the first parking lot. Let's start over.

-Niall. xx

Overwhelming feelings tickled my insides as I became a little giddy. So that's his name, Niall? I wanted to keep the note forever. Like put it in a diary and lock it for no one to see. But I coudn't not only would I have to dispose of the note. But I felt like I had to dispose of Niall too. You heard the coach herself, no distractions. I should really tell him that now is not the time. I mean yeah, I guess he's good looking.....funny........cute......okay hot.... WAIT STOP! I can't do this now. Too many thoughts go through my head as I push myself off of the toilet. I slam open the stall hearing it hit one side of the wall as I come out to the locker room. 

I have to tell him. That now's not the time. 

I walk out of the locker room and run over to the first parking lot. Running out to the dark my eyes become blank, only the sense of touch can guide me. I walk over to the middle of the parking lot and search for the tree. I spin in circles and finally a tall figure catches my eye. I run over towards it. Already my eyes start to water. 

"Ali?" Niall yells as he sees me coming closer. His arms greeting me for a hug. I just run over so I'm looking right at him. He can see the tears staring in my eyes. "What's wrong love?" The way he says love makes me melt a little. 

"Niall I-I." I try to talk to him but the words won't come out. I like Niall I really do, I don't know why but I do. Something about him makes me feel comfortable. He brings me in for a hug, his neck burried under my head. Some of my tears drag onto his shirt. I have to say it. Now's the best time. I have to.

I push my body off of his. He just looks at me worried. "I would love to be your girlfriend, but I-I can't. I'm so sorry." He steps back. Dazed, he doesn't want to even answer, I can hear him swallow loudy as he just stares. His blue eyes growing farther away form me with every step. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I-uh have to go." He turns around and starts running. I watch until I can't see his shining blonde hair anymore. The darkness has finally taken over. The empty, lonley darkness. With that I fall to the ground. Well, this is what I wanted. Right? Too lose him to continue my career? This is really what I wanted. I look at my hands and push them into my face to hide my tears.

Niall's P.O.V.

I can't stop crying. I. Just. Can't. Stop. I wanted to run, run home to Mullingar. I didn't want to be reminded of her. Too much emotion was involved. I guess this was just something that wasn't meant to be. 

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