Chapter 5. The Goals I've Chosen.

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I feel like flying... like a unicorn... you know the pink kind(:

Maybe two more chapters... Idk LAWLZ well thank you all for reading this. Vote/Comment.

Ali's P.O.V.

Another day off is another day of rest. But mental rest is the only thing I need. Somehow I managed to stop myself from crying for an hour. One of the lonest hours of my life. Other than running at the fastest speed for an hour. I hated soccer conditioning. I won't even bother to open my eyes. I just want to sleep all day. Forget about soccer, forget about him.

But I have too. I have to go to Aiden's tennis match today. Slowly, I open my lazy eyes. All blurry and gross. I can't see anything, My tears have fogged up my vision. I cried myself to sleep last night. I hate to admit it but I made a huge mistake. Niall and I might've had something. But it won't ever become real. My arms are the first to move, pulling the covers lightly off of my aching body. My legs move next pushing the covers off of my feet and pushing them harder so they fall off the bed. I lift up my torso achingly and slouch down over my body. I really didn't want to get up today. I moan and swing my feet over to the right edge of the bed and slide them off. I walk at a slow pace over to my bathroom.

I look at the dried tears on the side of my face. I grab a towel and turn the sink on. As the water turns hot, I put the towel under it and watch the steam rise, making the mirror foggy. I take the heated towel and push it on to my face. It burns like fire but it feels so good. Once it's cold I throw it in the bathtub. Now that I'm more awake I go to the drawer and gets my clothes ready for Aiden's Tennis Match.

Niall's P.O.V. 

"Well, did she tell you why she doesn't want to date you?" Josh asks me sipping his hot chocolate. 

"Well, no.. But-" I try to explain why but he cuts me off. He just looks me straight in the eyes.

 "Maybe she has a boyfriend." He states to me. He could be right. She could be taken. I feel my stomach start to tumble and twist at the thought, I can't help but feel a little nauseous. I'm not thristy anymore. I put my coffee down lighty on the table. "I'm sorry. But hey how about a tennis match to cheer you up." He gesutres to the tickets in his hands. I grin a little, maybe that can get my mind off of her. He smiles back at me and we both just laugh. I guess I'll finish my coffee, then we'll go.

Ali's P.O.V.

"So you said no?" Aiden asks practicing, by hitting the tennis ball against a wall as it bounces back. I don't make full eye contact with her. 

"Well yeah, the whole soccer team will kill me. And besides I think they're right, they said no distractions." I talk to her trying to reason. She just sarcastically laughs, still with her eyes on the ball. I just keep looking at her. 

"I can't believe you're letting this one get away." She then catches the ball with her hand like it was not going fast. As someone calls for her behind the door. She just sighs, then turns to me and shrugs. 

"I gotta go." She then runs through the door and leaves me alone in the practice room. 'Letting this one get away' I kept playing it through my head. What does she mean by that? Does she see something in us. I would date him but i just can't. Why can't Aiden just understand I have to focus on what I came here for.

I sigh and stare at the ground. I look at my feet akwardly shuffle as I start to walk. I should really go find my seat. I wak out of the back exit and head off to go find my seat in the front row, right by Aiden's boyfriend Tom. I keep walking inside but my stomach growls with hunger. I moan as I now have to wait in-line for ten minutes for just one bag of chips.

Niall's P.O.V.

As we finally arrive to the tennis arena I park in the front parking lot. We get out slamming the doors behind us and make our way into the arena. I feel my stomach start to turn again. Could it be that I still can't help that she may have a boyfriend? It growls again, then I know now that I'm just hungry. 

"I'm going to get some food." I say pointing at the snack stand. Josh smiles at me shaking his head, laughing. He hands me the ticket.

"Always hungry, alright here's the ticket so you know where we're sitting." Josh nods at me and I nod back. Watching him walk off I get in line at the snack stand. Hoping I can grab some food quickly before I starve to death. At least waiting for ten minutes sitting in the horrible line I hear something that catches my attention. 

"Yeah can I have a hot dog and a cola please?" I hear a tired voice call out two people in-front of me. I look over the crowding heads and there she stands, Ali. Right there, the girl who declined me was standng right in front of me. I couldn't even move, I was frozen. I had to go, who cared if I was hungry I could wait until after. As long as I wasn't reminded of her. 

Why do I keep seeing her everywhere I go?

Ali's P.O.V.

"Thanks." I weerily say grabbing my cola and chips. I slowly turn around my eyes tired from everything. My imagination going wild. It makes me think the Niall's right there. Walking away like he did before.  I open my eyes to keep away the vision I was having. But as I open them the vision becomes more clear. Niall's right there in front of him. He saw me and turned around. Should I go and say hi to him? 

No, I can't I need to focus, not fall behind.

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