05 - He's not gay

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Phana's POV

The rest of the week went by slowly, and routinely. I would do go school, see Wayo when I could without Forth wondering why I was talking to him, then drive him home every day. English was slowly becoming my favorite subject because most of the time I let myself stare at Wayo. I hope he hadn't noticed, I just couldn't seem to get him out of my mind.

Ming and Kit went on pretending to not know each other since Forth was back, but today was Friday so they had all night to not pretend. I drove Wayo home and let him know I just had to clean the house before everyone came over. I saw him give me a slight smile before jumping out of my SUV. It was so cute the way he had to jump. What was I saying? Wayo cute? I shook my head of the thought and made my way home.

Around seven is when my doorbell rang. I got excited and ran to the door expecting to see Wayo but it was Ming and Kit. I looked less excited but beckoned them in.

"How are you Phana?" said Ming with a smile.

"Excellent. I got a few Disney movies for you Ming. Wayo told me they were your favorite."

"Oh he knows me so well." Said Ming as they went into the living room to begin shifting through the movies.

"We'll be down in the basement tonight if that's alright."

Ming said, "Well I don't know how much time Kit and I will be spending in the basement then." Kit went bright red as Ming chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and the doorbell went off a second time. Without realizing it I ran over to it again and yanked it open. I felt my heart beat heavily when I saw Wayo. He looked amazing again. Since I had dropped him off he put on a grey beanie and his glasses and they looked incredible on him like I thought they would.

"Phana?!" I snapped out of my trance and said, "W-what?" "I said your name about five times."

"Oh sorry, I guess I was somewhere else." I beckoned him in and he greeted Ming and Kit who were looking at me oddly.

A few hours later after ordering pizza and watching a few movies I found myself alone with Wayo. Ming and Kit had no shame in asking me to go to a spare bedroom. We were playing video games in silence when I saw him glance at the last slice of pizza for the fifth time. I could tell he wanted it and just felt bad taking it.

"Wayo if you want the pizza then eat it, I'm sure not going to." I couldn't help but laugh at his shyness.

"N-no that's alright. I don't want to eat the last one." I sighed and put my controller down. I said as I faced him, "You don't have to be shy Yo. We're friends here." I nudged his side which made him squirmed slightly with a chuckle.

"Are you ticklish?!" I yelled excitingly. He went bright red and quickly said, "No!"

"Liar!" I yelled as I pounced on him. He yelled as we fell to the floor. I straddled his waist and yelled as began tickling him, "You're ticklish!"

"P-Phana!"  He yelled through his laughs. I stopped tickling him but continued to smile down at him, unaware that I was still on top of him. It wasn't until he was finished laughing and I saw him turn bright red that I realized what I was doing.

I cleared my throat and quickly got off him as I said, "So, erm I had been meaning to ask you something."

Wayo looked intrigued as he sat up, "H-how did your mom, you know..." I trailed off as I sat back down on the couch.

"Oh," said Yo in a surprised tone. He stood up and joined me, "S-she killed herself." He looked down again.

"I'm so sorry Yo." Yo looked up and said, "No don't be Phana. I-It was a long time ago." He gave a sad smile.

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