Chapter 1

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I am waken up by the alarms that are going off and I'm stick in my bed scared to death.

"Sweety come on please let's go. We are under attack by Werewolves."My mom says, well more like yell, while trying to get me to move.

I get up and we almost make it to the safe house, but I tripped. So now my mom is inside most likely being hold back by my aunt who has always hated me and next thing I know I hear someone saying "mate" right behind me.

I feel him before I see him, more like them. One is purple and the other is blue velvet.

"No! " My mom screams.

The one on my left turns from purple to a very almost dark marron while the one on my right turns from a blue velvet to a very deep red.

"No?" They growled.

Werewolves hate being told no when it is about what they own or think they own.

"Please she is my only child!" My mom says and you can her the desperation in my her voice.

"Ours not yours! " Both growls in union.

My aunt hates me so I know she will happily let me go.

"Brenda let her go or they will kill us for sure then take her." My aunt Brittany says.

"Mate let's go home. " The blue velvet one says.

"Can I say goodbye?"

"Fine, just make it quick." The purple one says.

I hug and kissed my mom goodbye cause no matter how hard it is my aunt is right. So I say my goodbye and let my mom live. She could always have another child with her husband. Currently they do not have a child together yet because of me. And I am the reason that is why my dad left.

"Come on mate let's go now before my patience runs thin." The blue velvet one says.

I stumbled on the way to them, but I got up immediately. After stumbling the second time the purple one grabs me and carries me to where I'm being brought.

I have heard the rumors that if any werewolves calm you as their mate they keep you alive, barely, just enough for the breeding or for more power. Once seated and on the road i can feel my fear seeping through my emotional wall.

"My name is sam." the blue velvet one says.

"Im Angie."

"Well im andy." said the purple one.

"Well mate, we are alphas twins of moon stone pack. We do have rules for you to follow. Rule one is you are not allowed out of our room unless with one of us. Rule two is when we mate you will not allowed out of our room for a week at least. Rule three is you can not run away from us. Since our wolves wont take it kindly." Sam says.

"So will i be chained up only so you can have more power or just for breeding?"

Their color changes into an ugly deep red.

"We are not those type of werewolves." Andy says while sam sniffs me.

"Why are you sniffing me?"

"Because it calms our wolves and us down." sam says.

I just nod.

Once we stop i feel so stiff and tired.

"Mate we are home." says Andy.

I get out of the car only to fall.

"Do i need to carry you around like a baby. " says Andy but not andy at the same time.

"No. I can walk, im just stiff."

He walks ahead and sam comes helps me. I hear clothes ripping and then an howl. That howl makes my heart raise faster.

"Its okay Angie, it is just Andy going for a run." Sam says.

We walk into the house and before anything else happens I get tackled to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhh, a werewolf! Please do not hurt me!"

They get off of me and Sam grabs my hand helping me up.

"Angie that is sid our wolf not a werewolf." Sam said.

"Oh. "

An hour passes and Andy is not back from his run.

"Angie can you see?" Sam asks out of no where.


"That sounded more like a question than an answer." Sam says.

"I can see."

"Then what am I wearing?" Sam asks.

"A blue shirt and blue jeans."

"Nope." sam says.

After like five minutes he talks again.

"Angie you know you can tell me the truth." sam says.

Can i tell him?

"Here I will start with my bigest secret no one knows not even Andy knows." Sam says.

I nod to continue.

"I was scared we would never find our mate, but also that our wolfs would not accept you." Sam said.

"Have they?"

"My wolf has and we are very glad that we have found you." Sam says.

My stomach makes a dramatic entrance then.

"Stay here, I will get you some food. Is there anything in particular you want to eat?" Sam asks.

"No. "

He leaves and comes back after what feels like hours when it must have just been minutes.

"Honey ham grilled cheese sandwitch with grapes and Dr Pepper, my favorite!"

He gives me the food and i eat in silence while he is typing.

"I am blind." I whispwr.

"What?" Sam asks.

I know he heard me since he is a werewolf.

"My secret is that i am blind, but i can see colors. Making my other sences stronger a bit more cause of not being able to see like everyone else."

"How?" sam asks.

"I was born blind and after my tenth birthday i start to just see colors. Thats why my dad left my mom and me, because I am not normal."

Sam moves things and picks me up holding me on his lap.

"Baby i did not know." sam says.

"How could you know."

"Your dad i mean I did not know about. I did have an idea why you kept falling." sam says.

I kiss him making him stiffen only once I pull away he grabs me kissing me back.

That one kiss i felt all of his emotions. So i did what felt natural, I kisses him the same way telling him how i felt.

Werewolves?  Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now