Chapter 11 - Running Away

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When we went to sleep that night, I put my plan into action. I had to convinced Natsu that I wanted to sleep alone tonight much to his disappointment. He looked so cute when he pinned his ears back. I waited till they were deeply asleep before I quietly tiptoed out of the cave.

Once I was a good distance away from the cave I went into a sprint. I didn't plan on where I was going but as long as that pack leave my friends alone I didn't care. I didn't stop running until dawn. From all that running, my legs felt like it was on fire and I was having trouble catching my breath. Luckily, there was a river nearby so I could get a drink.

I felt that I needed to keep going or that pack will catch up to me and I'm not going to give them what they want, me. Deciding to rest for a bit before I continue on my journey, I laid down on a grass patch and had a nap. I woke up two hours later feeling more refreshed and started walking in the opposite direction to Magnolia.

I walked for hours till I heard a rustling in the bushes in front of me. 'What was that? Hopefully it isn't the pack' I thought as I quickly stood in a fighting stance. I kept my head low, ready to pounce on whatever it was that was coming closer.

Once the figure revealed itself from the bushes I leaped at it. I growled at the face of the figure until I realised that I knew this figure. It was Sting! Beside him was Rogue who stood a bit shocked. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" he chanted at me, hitting me in the side. I flew back into a tree, hitting the ground with a thump.

I stayed on the ground whimpering with my head in my paws with my ears pinned back. Sting raised to his feet and was about to attack me when Rogue stopped him. "Wait a minute Sting" he said, "why?! That wolf attacked me!" Sting shouted as he turned to attack me. His fist lit up ready to punch me at any moment. "That wolf looks scared and has a collar around its neck" Rogue mentioned pointing to my collar.

Sting relaxed his fist as he slowly approached me. He cautiously put his hand out for me to sniff. I slowly raised my head and licked his hand showing my friendliness. He kneeled down lowering his hand towards my collar and I moved my head back to allow him access to my tag.

"Lucy?" Sting said as he read the tag and I licked his cheek in response. "Haha, nice to meet ya Lucy" he said as he patted my head and I barked. "I wanna show the guild what we found but we need to complete our mission" he said to Rogue. "I agree, maybe we can take Lucy with us" Rogue suggested, "great idea Rogue" Sting replied. "Come on Lucy" he called out, I stood up and followed them.

I had a feeling they didn't know I was Lucy Heartfillia but I think it's safer for them not to know. "What's the name of the dark guild we need to fight?" Sting asked, "Dark Wolves" Rogue answered. "Funny coincidence" Sting said as he smiled at me. I was walking in between them as they talked about strategy.

Soon we arrived in front the Dark Wolves' guild hall and stormed through the doors. While Sting and Rogue were fighting, I bit on one of the dark wizard's ankle and swung him into his guildmates. I didn't use any of my Celestial Spirits as I took down dark wizard after dark wizard. The fight ended when Sting and Rogue defeated the guild master.

As we exited the dark guild on our way to the client's house Sting spoke up "Lucy was awesome in there." "I agree" Rogue replied and I wagged my tail fast, happy to get a compliment.

Sting and Rogue collected their reward and we soon arrived at the Sabertooth guild. Sting slammed open the door calling out "we're back!" which the guild replied "welcome back!" Reminds me of Fairy Tail, 'Sabertooth has really changed since the Grand magic Games' I thought as we walked in.

Suddenly people were staring at me as I walked in between Sting and Rogue. "Why did you bring a wolf to Sabertooth?" Orga asked as he walks up to us with Yukino and Rufus. "This is Lucy. We met her on our way to our job" Sting explains, "she helped us take down a dark guild" he continues. "Wow so Lucy can fight?" Yukino asked as she went to pat my head.

"It was funny to see her throw dark wizards into their guildmates" Sting said as he gave me a pat. Suddenly the whole guild surrounded me and was patting my fur, wanting to feel a wolf's fur. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed until Sting broke up the crowd "alright break it up, you're all scaring the poor wolf." Everyone backed away from me, giving me more space to breathe.

I followed Sting and Rogue to their table and sat beside the table. They were eating a steak meal while I stared at their food. I haven't eaten anything since last night and all that running made me hungry. Sting looked between his fork with a piece of steak and me, "are you hungry Lucy?" he asked. I barked in response and I was grateful when he held a piece of steak in his fingers in front of me.

I gently bit the piece of steak out of his hand and ate it, happily wagging my tail. I walk under the table and rub my body against his leg in thanks. Staying under the table, I decided to lay down under the safety of the table. Occasionally Sting would pass a piece of steak under the table for me to eat or pat me.

Suddenly a low growling noise was heard throughout the guild and everyone turned to the guild's entrance. I came out of my spot from under the table. The guild door was still open revealing some wolf figures. 'Oh no, how did they find me so fast' I thought as I recognised the figures. I instantly pinned my ears back with my tail in between my legs, whimpering in fear.

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