Chapter 19 - Saving Lucy

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Natsu's POV

We followed the scent for hours till we found a cavern. Standing close to the entrance, I saw the roof of the cavern open up in places to allow sunlight to shine down on the darkness. I was about to storm in to get Lucy out of there when Erza stood in front of me. "We can't just barge in. We can watch from above" she said, "we need to get Lucy out of there now" I argued.

"Natsu I know you are worried about her but we do too. We will save her" Gray said, encouraging me. "Alright" I said with a sigh and followed Erza and Gray to one of the cavern's roof openings. We crouched down so we weren't seen while we looked down from above.

I spotted cave like rooms along the walls of the cavern and a tunnel that goes deeper into the cavern. Most of the pack were close to the tunnel, 'must be where Lucy is being kept' I thought. I noticed two of the wolves missing and then I noticed Raven having a smug look on his face. It took everything I had not to jump down there and wipe that smug look off his face.

Suddenly we saw some commotion coming from the tunnel. The two missing wolves were coming and one was dragging something that I couldn't see. Once they came out into the light I noticed golden fur, Lucy. I held a growl that was threatening to come out. "Let's find out what they are going to do" Erza said with a firm tone.

I felt my claws digging into the earth, itching to go down there. Raven walked up to Nightshade who was holding Lucy with a smirk on his face. "Are you ready, Mate?" he said smugly as he got closer to Lucy's face. Lucy gave him a deadly glare before turning her head away from him, 'that's my girl' I thought.

Something he said made me curious "Mate? Doesn't he usually call her Pup?" I questioned quietly. "Oh no, I hope he's not thinking of doing that" Gray commented, a bit panicked. Suddenly something clicked in my head, I remembered Igneel explaining to me about mates and... oh HELL NO!

I couldn't stop myself from jumping down from our hiding place. I heard Gray mumble "that idiot" as I leapt but he instantly landed next to me with Erza. The pack turned towards us as I growled deeply, showing my anger. On alert, the pack snarled at us which we snarled back. I saw the look of relief on Lucy's face as she saw us. 'Don't worry Lucy, I will save you' I thought with determination.

"Take my Mate back to her cell" Raven ordered Nightshade. He dragged Lucy back down the tunnel as she tried to struggle out of his grip without success. Once Lucy was out of sight I focused my attention on Raven. "I'm surprise you found us so soon" Raven said over the growling with a bit of annoyance. "Never underestimate a Dragon Slayer's nose" I said in anger, igniting my body into flames.

"Leave Pinky to me" Raven ordered as he kept his attention to me. Erza went against Aura and Coyote while Gray went against Lupus. Nightshade soon joined the rest of his pack and double teamed against Gray with Lupus.

Raven and I circled each other, snarling. I ran at him and when he stomped his paw down, an invisible force came down on me. My flames disappeared from my body as I was pushed down to the ground, Raven walked closer with a smug look. My blood boiled at the thought of what he was going to do to Lucy!

I pushed against the Gravity force that was holding me down with everything I got and I slowly raised to my feet. Raven's smug look turned into a look of surprise. Once I was fully standing against the force, I leapt at him and tackled him to the ground. I was about to bite his neck when he whipped his head around and bit my front leg. I howled in pain as Raven knocked me off.

We both raised to our feet and leapt at each other. I used my Fire Dragon Roar which he nimbly dodged it. He attacked my neck and I set my fur on fire, burning his mouth. Jumping back away from me, Raven growled in anger. Everything happened in a flash, we ran at each other and we rolled around, biting and scratching each other.

We separated and I finished him off by using my Fire Dragon Sword Horn into his side. Raven flew across the cavern into a stone wall and fell to the ground. Suddenly some rocks fell from the ceiling from the impact and landed on top of him, knocking him out. 

Luckily, I didn't kill him but he deserved every beating he received for taking Lucy away from me. I looked around for Erza and Gray, and found Erza fighting Aura outside the cavern while Coyote was unconscious. I looked for Gray and he was fighting Nightshade while Lupus was also knocked out. They seemed like they got this covered so I focused on getting to Lucy.

I ran towards the dark tunnel that Lucy was dragged down. "Lucy!" I called out down the tunnel and heard her voice call back "Natsu!" I ran towards her voice and found her in a cell. She came closer to the bars, "are you hurt?" I asked worriedly and I was relieved when she said "no I'm fine." I put my front paws on the bars and lifted my body up to see a way to get her out. "The bars are enchanted" she explained, "step back" I said as I backed away from the bars.

Once Lucy was out of the way, "Fire Dragon Roar!" I chanted. The bars melted and left a massive hole. I instantly jumped through the hole and rubbing my head against her repeatedly. She gladly returned the gesture.

"Did you save Lucy yet? Oh!" I heard Gray voice coming down the tunnel and exclaimed when he saw us. "We're out there fighting and you're in here cuddling" Gray said, rolling his eyes. I glared at him and said "shut up Popsicle!" "What did you call me Flame Breath?!" he argued. "You heard me Ice Princess!" I shouted back, smashing my forehead against his.

"Hey Erza!" Lucy said cheerfully with a smile. We instantly separated and acted like nothing happened but Erza was nowhere in sight. Lucy had an innocent look on her face as she tricked us.

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