The Honeymoon Begins

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~Here's the next chapter! :D hope you all enjoy it! You're welcome to comment or message me and let me know what you think. For those of you reading the spin-off, the Descendant and the Wolf, there will be an update to it within the day!~

Morning came. My father volunteered Severus and me to prepare breakfast for everyone to which I rolled my eyes. I assured Severus things were better this way given my father's rubbish skill at food preparation, and we took to the spacious kitchen. Severus eyed it with the same displeasure he'd given the rest of the house, but after a few minutes he became too absorbed with our work to fret over his sense of inferiority.

We prepared waffles with sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs and served it with freshly squeezed orange juice. Severus had really been put off when I told him there was a magic garden in the back with all manner of fruit trees that produced all year. I could only smile softly, knowing that time alone would make him feel comfortable here.

Once we had eaten my father said he wished to show us something and introduce us to someone before we left. He seemed in a particularly good mood, but the way he kept running his hand through his hair told me he was nervous for some reason. I looked at Severus and shrugged. So much for leaving early.

"Lead the way," Severus said in a bored tone. I got the distinct feeling that he wanted nothing more than to be away from here. The four of us made our way below-ground with my father in front. Remus followed behind leisurely. He must know what this is about, I thought. We were heading down to where the dungeons were. It was mostly unused, and I had rarely been allowed down here so even I had a strange feeling as we walked down the dust-smothered hall. My father conjured a flame to lead us.

We rounded a corner and I could see the glow of firelight in a chamber at the end. The opening was large and revealed something gleaming beyond. I squinted in the low light as we approached and heard Severus curse next to me. There was a flurry of fabric as he quickly drew his wand.

"None of that," my father chastised holding out his hand to stop Severus. Severus glared at him in disbelief. That's when I heard it; the beat of wings and the throaty caw of a bird of prey. We stepped through the archway and were met by two enormous Griffins. The larger of the two raised up on its hind legs and pawed at the air with its talons in a threatening manner.

            "Stormwing, Hecaterus, I have a couple of people I'd like you to meet," my father began in a conversational way

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"Stormwing, Hecaterus, I have a couple of people I'd like you to meet," my father began in a conversational way. The griffins took a step back and eyed us warily. That's when I noticed what was behind them for the first time. Treasure—and lots of it.

The room we were in was incredibly large with a high vaulted ceiling. Plants and grass grew alongside trees in small clusters about the chamber. A few birds flew from tree-top to tree-top while trilling a lovely song. Anywhere there wasn't greenery though, there was gold and jewels. Mounds of it strewn across the floor and reaching higher than I was tall.

Descendant of Merlin Book 3: Fear and Family (Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now