The Next Great Dark Lord

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Well I was sorted into Slytherin's house like I thought! I did my best to count how many of us there were in each house (they call them houses so we will feel at home), but I lost track a couple of times. There are around 250 of us though! More children than I've ever seen in one place. Slytherin's house is the smallest. I remember we had nearly fifty selected from age eleven to seventeen.

After the sorting, Professor Slytherin gave us a tour of the castle and showed us to our dorms with the large common room where boys and girls are allowed to socialize. I felt strange going down into the dungeons, but Professor Slytherin explained that his snakes liked the damp and the cool. He had several which laid around the common room lazily. Many of us were made nervous by them, but Slytherin told us not to worry. They won't hurt us if we don't provoke them. At one point it almost sounded like he was talking to one of them!

Classes start tomorrow, and I'll be put with the eleven-year-olds. I'm so excited and nervous! I hope I catch on quickly. I'll be learning potions, charms, transfigurations, and astronomy for now. I'll get to take other classes later also.

Well, it's getting late and the others are already sleeping. Wish me luck!

I awoke with Severus' head lying on my chest, one arm tossed over my stomach. His hair was awry and nearly covered his entire face as he slept peacefully. I smiled. Since our honeymoon our sex life had gotten much more intense and often involved the both of us fighting for dominance. If he bit, I bit back. If he pulled my hair, I dug my nails into him. It was our way of communicating what we wanted at the moment, and it helped both of us sleep deeply. Severus seemed to like the challenge. He also liked to win, and I was perfectly fine with letting him (eventually) since I knew he would never hurt me.

Today was January 9th, Severus' birthday. I climbed slowly out of bed which caused my husband to grunt and stir, but soon he had rolled over and was breathing softly again. I dressed quietly and exited our chambers. It was Wednesday, and Severus would be rising to prepare for class soon so I didn't have much time.

In the hallway I turned into my animagus and teleported to the top of the stairs outside Albus' office. Turning human again, I knocked. The door swung easily open and I stepped into the well-lit room to see the headmaster standing near his fireplace still in his dressing gown. He turned to greet me, but before he could speak flames erupted in the hearth and my father stepped out of them with a cheerful smile. He met Albus with a handshake that he drew into a half-hug then turned to me.

"Morning dear," he said.

"Morning, did you bring the gifts?" I asked impatiently.

"Settle down, I've got them," he assured me, reaching into his robes. He withdrew two tiny packages and sat them on the floor. "Engorgio." The packages grew to their original size, though one was nearly four times smaller than the other. I beamed and withdrew a small felt bag from my own robes and tossed it to him. He opened it and shook the jingling coins gently.

"It's all there, I promise," I told him dryly. He grinned in response.

"We must always make good on our agreements."

"What, may I ask, will Severus be getting for his birthday this year?" Albus asked curiously.

"Dad and Remus got him a pair of dragon-hide boots since George Weasley nearly melted his feet off in November. They didn't arrive in time for Christmas, but I know he will love him. I got him a jar of Crushed Fruit of the Suicide Palm. It's one of the rarest ingredients on the planet," I bragged. The headmaster's eyes sharpened, and a small knowing smile played at his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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