Chapter 28

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Chloe's POV:
I walked down to the ice cream chop and waited for Luka. He came right on time and handed me a bouquet of roses. "Hey, hope I didn't keep you waiting," he says. "No, you didn't," I say. He opens the door and steps aside. "Ladies first," he says while bowing. I walk in and he follows. We go up to the counter to order our ice cream. "What are you going to get?" He asks. "Probably the strawberry swirl with coconut shavings." "Really?" He asks. "Yeah, it's my favorite." "You won't believe this, but that's my favorite to! Except I put blueberries on mine to." "I guess I'll have to try that." We order and sit down. We talk about random things like school, our favorite things, what we want to do with our life's. And then, all of a sudden, Luka asks, "Don't you ever wonder who Ladybug and Cat Noir are? I mean, they always saved Paris, yet we never know who could be behind the mask." He has a point. "I know right. I've always wondered. Hey, maybe your Cat Noir." I say, joking around. "Yeah, well maybe your Ladybug," he says. We stare at each other. And then we burst out laughing. "I wish I was Cat Noir. That would be awesome." Luka says. "Yeah, being Ladybug would be amazing," I say. "Well, you don't have to be Ladybug to be amazing." He says, making me blush. "Y-Yeah I guess so." We continue eating our ice cream and talking.
Marinette/Ladybugs POV: I wake up in Adrien's arms. If this would have happened about 2 months ago, my face would look like a tomato. But now, it didn't really make my face red whatsoever. I rolled over, careful not to wake Adrien up, even though he sleeps like a rock. I checked my phone. It was 12:00. We had been asleep for like, 6 hours, 11 in total. I was kinda bored, so I woke up Adrien. "Adrien, wake up!" He stayed asleep. "Adrien!" Nothing. "Ok, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." I got out of the bed and go grab the spray bottle on my dresser. And I spray him with it. He jerks upright. "WHAT THE- Oh, the spray bottle," he glares at it and hisses. "You left me no choice. You sleep like a bear in hibernation." "But still, why? You have the worst ways of waking people up!" "But there also the most effective ways." I say. "True," he agrees. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asks. "I don't know, that's why I asked you." "Well, I don't know either." We just sit there, thinking. "Hey, what if we go eat some food, I'm hungry." He suggests. "Sure, let's go," I say and head downstairs. I was about to sprint to a breakfast place, but he grabbed my hand. "Oh no, miss run away, not this time." "I wasn't gonna," I say in a not-so convincing way. "Suuuure," he says and we walk out the door, him still holding my hand.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. On an unrelated note, I just dropped my phone and cracked it. Whoopie! That's all for meow! Bye!!
~Tater Tot🐞🐱🦋🦊🐝🐢

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