"I Stoll your heart at hello."

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Ashlyn's POV (another friendly reminder!)
"That" said Annabeth "is claiming."
Oh. Lovely.
"What'd I do?" Leo backed towards the lake. Then he noticed the flaming hammer. "Is my hair on fire?" He ducked, but the symbol followed him. Leo started moving and running around like a headless chicken but, the symbol still followed him.
"This can't be good" The big dude who flew the chariot, Butch, said "the curse-"
"Butch, shut up." Annabeth cut him off "Leo, you've been claimed by-"
"A god." Jason cut her off.

Everyone is cutting off each other's sentences! Just be patient, people!

"That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?" Jason asked.

"Jason, now is not the time for Star Trek references!" I snapped at the blonde.
"I don't even LIKE Star Trek!" Cried Leo.

"Vulcan is the roman name for Hephaestus." Annabeth explained "the god of blacksmiths and fire. How did you know that, Jason?"
"I'm not sure..." replied Jason.

"I know how!" I said, raising my hand.
All eyes were on me. Me and my big goddamn mouth!
"Jason's secretly in the Star Trek fandom." I stated bluntly "he secretly spends all his nights writing Star Trek fan fictions instead of sleeping."
(Author: because who does that?*cough* basically all of the Wattpad community including me. *cough* I mean, what?!?!)

Annabeth frowned at me. I put my hands up in surrender. "Just saying, it's a possibility!" I said. Oh, I suck...this is really fun though!

"Will, give Leo a tour and take him to cabin nine." Annabeth ordered.
"Sure, Annabeth." Replied the blonde kid with a bow who I'm guessing is Will.

"What's cabin nine?" Leo asked "and I'm not a Vulcan!"
I waved at him and then turned to Annabeth. "Where are you taking Leo?" I asked, a bit worried for him but, hiding it. She ignored me. Agh. Nobody ever listens to me!!!

She turned to Jason.
"Hold out your arm." She told him. And so he did. Damn.
On his forearm was a wicked looking tattoo that I hadn't noticed before. It was a dozen straight lines like a barcode, an eagle with the letters SPQR.
Spqr? I can barely pronounce that! Is he in a cult too? Man, I feel left out.

"I've never seen markings like that." Annabeth said "where did you get them."
"I know Jason's getting a little tired of saying this, so I'll just say it." I stated "he doesn't know. He lost his memory."
Annabeth looked back at Jason and he nodded, confirming what I had said.
Oh, yeah, get answers from the boy with amnesia, not the girl who knows he's a forgetful dimwit!

"They look like they were burned." Annabeth noted.
"They were." Said Jason "I mean...I think so..."
I'm not sure how amnesia works but, I'm pretty damn sure it doesn't work like that! Everyone must've been thinking the same thing because they stayed silent and waited for Annabeths judgement on the situation. So, guessing the leader is Annabeth.

"He needs to go straight to chiron." She decided. "Drew, would you-"
"Absolutely!" Drew, AKA Isabel 2.0, said. She looped her arm through Jasons and gave Piper a smug look before walking away. Jason shot me the look that Piper always used to do when ever Dylan was near. It was kinda like: 911. Somebody PLEASE help me.
But, me being me, just shrugged and gave him a look like:
Yeahhhh...nah, I can't be stuffed. LOL!

"Who's Chiron?" Asked Piper "is Jason in some kind of trouble?"
"Ooooooo!" I shouted "somebody's in TROUBLE!!!!!"
Annabeth just frowned.
"I swear your dad is Hermes." She muttered. "Travis, Conner! Can you give her a tour of camp?"

Two boys stepped forward. They looked practically identical. They were both pretty tall and skinny and had mops of curly brown hair. The only real difference was that one was slightly taller than the other. They had ocean blue eyes that gleamed with mischief.

"I'm Travis Stoll." The slightly taller one said, sticking his hand out to shake "and this is my brother, Conner. We're children of Hermes."

I froze. Conner and Travis. Children of the god of thieves, con artists, gypsies and travel. Conner and Travis Stoll. Their dad is a flipping genius. I raised an eyebrow at the two.

"What?" Asked Travis. "It's not like he bites...usually..." added Conner, earning a glare from his ever smirking brother. "You know what a hand shake is, right?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at the two. "No." I said with a smirk playing on my lips "I just don't want to get zapped by the buzzer on your hand."

Travis looked surprised. Conner just looked smug. "This, brother dear, is why I make the plans and you do what I say and not follow your instincts!" He chuckled and then turned to me. "I like you!" I just grinned back. "Who doesn't? I'm fabulous!" I said, striking a dramatic pose. They both laughed. "So, are you guys twins?" I asked my new found friends. They shook their heads and Conner grinned. "Eager, are we?" He asked with a wink "I guess you could say I Stoll your heart at hello."

I deadpanned. Please. The puns are killing me! "I'm pretty sure you never even said hello." I snorted "also, God! Your puns are terrible!" I let out a small chuckle.
And that is how I met them. My partners in crime. And the day just got better from there...

Well, until the whole Ares cabin was chasing us through the camp with swords because of the decorations we put in their cabin. I honestly don't know why covering their cabin in pink glitter was ever a good idea. And to be honest, they weren't the only ones who were a bit annoyed... oops!
At least the Hermes and Hephaestus kids still like me!

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