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"Excuse me, pardon me, oh God

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"Excuse me, pardon me, oh God."

Hana tried to shove her way through the hoards of reporters.

"Hey, you! Can you tell us what you think All Might is like as a teacher?" A random reporter asked.

Suddenly there was a bunch of flashes and cameras on her.

"Um.... he's nice and tall I guess," Hana answered sheepishly.

"And he smells like justice." Hana continued.

Some reporters wrote that down quickly.

"Um, I gotta go to class now, bye!" Hana dived through the reporters and sprinted away.

She slammed into Uraraka and flinched.

"Sorry I was escaping those reporters," Hana apologized.

"Oh no, I get it!" Uraraka responded with a laugh.

"Those people are like rabid dogs." Hana sighed.

The two girls walked to class together making small talk about nothing in particular. They entered the class and quickly took their assigned seats.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys." Mr. Aizawa began.

"I saw the video feeds and reads over each of your teams' results. Bakugo your talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay?"

Hana saw in the corner of her eye that Bakugo was annoyed. Which made sense he didn't seem like the type of person to enjoy "criticism."

"You all need to pick a Class Representative," Aizawa announced.

The class erupted into chaos with all the students wanting to be picked. Hana sunk in her chair. Class Rep could open so many doors for her but she doubted anyone would vote for her anyway.

"Silence everyone, please!" Iida yelled getting up from his seat.

"The class representatives duty is to lead others. It's not something just anyone can do! You must first have the trust of everyone in the classroom. Therefore the most logical way to fulfill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader."

The class mumbled. To Hana that was what she was thinking in the beginning.

People trust me right? I'm trustable! Is that a word? Focus! Hana pinched herself.

"It's the best way right sir?" Iida asked Mr. Aizawa.

The teacher was already getting into his yellow sleeping bag only paying half attention.

"Do what you want just decide before my naps over." He said falling to the ground behind his desk.

Paper was passed around and Hana wondered who she should vote for. She wondered if she would vote for herself... would that be selfish? She began to panic and scribbled Asui's name.

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