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The feeling of inferiority is something a person could go their whole life without feeling. However, everyone in class-1B felt it. It was weird for Hana Kātā. Saying that Class 1A was better than them just because they fought villains?

She would rather feel lesser then feel the terror she felt then.

She was crying while hugging a tree. It was one of those cries where snot was coming down into your mouth. One of those cries where you had to take a sharp inhale to breathe.

"Mr. Aizawa Hana's crying again," Ojiro said stopping his tail attacks on Kirishima.

Aizawa looked at his student who wouldn't let go of a tree.

Her job was simple. Grow a small flower from the shaking ground. She had been at it for so long her brain was frying.

"Hana let go of the tree," Aizawa said looking at her.

She took a deep breath and let go.

"I just love trees. They do so much ya know? And I just-" she began to sob again.

"You can cry about trees while you work." He said pushing her forward.

Pixie-Bob was making the earth move and shake.

This is stupid I don't even wanna be a rescue hero. Hana thought trying to grow any type of plant she could.

A sprout... that's all she needed... a sprout... yeah...

The Wild Wild Pussycats were helping watch all the students. Class A and B.

The day was filled with training. Hana wanted the leaves to take her a blanket and bury herself in the ground.

She walked slowly and stopped when she noticed a four leaf clover on the ground.

Was that there before or did she grow it.

Usually, when she grew something she felt something. A tingle, a burning, a sharp pain. Something. She couldn't remember if she felt anything. Mostly because everything in her body was burning so it was hard to tell.

She picked it up and tucked in her gym uniform pocket.

For good luck.

The students had to make their own food. Curry to be exact.

Hana laid on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Iida asked her.

"Eating dirt," Hana responded.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her off the ground. She spits out the dirt and slumped her shoulders.

"Salty." She said dazedly.

"Get ahold of yourself!" Iida shook her body aggressively.

"We're gonna make the most delicious curry and you're gonna eat it!" Iida said patting her back.

Hana rubbed her face and sighed.

"Okay." I don't eat meat though-"

"We have Tofu~," Ragdoll said walking past them in a sing-song voice.

Dirt... I could eat dirt instead.

The curry was good but she didn't really taste it as she shoved it in her mouth.

"You should eat meat ya know," Kaminari said looking at her vegetarian curry.

"You know you don't need meat to live right?"

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