This is me

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As soon as the knife cut deeply into his bones Dream's eyes would turn to white teardrops, empty, white, teardrops. Dream realized he was alone, no one by him, no one cared no one liked him. The only reason people liked him was because they had too, he was the protector of positive feelings, if he wasn't that........ It wouldn't be different, no one would like him, he'd be alone, lost and scared. Dream, still bleeding would crawl into his bed, and cry too himself in his bed till morning. (Little time skip because why the fricc not) Dream did not sleep, at all. He was used too this though, he haven't slept for days, at least at least 50 hours. And all of those 50 hours, he only felt pain and sorrow. He walked downstairs to grab 2 things and walk back upstairs again, he looked up a page on the internet on how too tie a noose 

(fun fact the technical term for it is called a
monkey fist)

He'd tie the rope and
*Ink's POV*
"I should go visit Dream too see how he's doing, I'm sure he'll appreciate that" since Ink had the key too Dream's house so dose Blue because their his best friends, his only friends. "Hey Dream, are you here... DREAM WHERE ARE YOU" He'd rush upstairs only too see Dream a out to hang himself.

(H a H

You got R e k t

You got R e k t

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