Nightmare Bonnie

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I spent all day playing up there with Ice and all my new pkushies but I kept seeing things. Mainly small things but I swear I saw someone standing the corner and when I blinked he was gone.

That scared me enough to stop me playing up there for the rest the day. I stayed up untill 12 AM. I like the night it's peaceful and beautiful outside. All the stars shining in the sky.

It's very pretty to me. I was looking out the window when I heard the sound a door creaking open. I turned around. The left down was half way open. I grabbed a flashlight that sat on my bed side table.

I turned it on and aimed it out the hall. A bunny with sharp teeth and claws popped out of no where. I screamed and ran out the right door to my parents room.

I jumped into their bed waking both of them. "Mmm Leo? Why are you up?" My mom said sitting up clearly tired. "I saw monster!" I said holding on to Ice like my life depended on it.

My dad sat up. "A monster huh? Well let's go see this scary 'monster'" My dad said standing up. "Noooo it will hurt you!!!!" I said as tears filled my eyes. My dad picked me up.

"Im sure it's nothing" he said and carried me out the room. "Now what did this monster look like?" He asked "i-it was a bunny with claws and sharp teeth" I said

We walked into the room. "Now where did you see this 'monster'?" My dad asked I point to the right door. My dad put him me down on the bed.

He walked over to the door and peeked out. He chuckled. I was confused. He picked up a Bonnie plush. "I think I found your 'monster'" he said smiling.

"B-but" I said "see you were just seeing things" he said walking over to me. He put Bonnie next to me and tucked me in. "Now go to sleep" He said then kissed my forehead.

"Can I please sleep with you?" I asked. "Come on your a big boy you can sleep alone" he said "but Im scared..." I said "I promise nothing will hurt you now go to sleep you have school tomorrow" dad said

He walked away before I could protest against him leaving. He closed the door on his way out. The door opened again. The door didn't seem to be able to close properly.

I heard a dark chuckle. I hid under the blanket as tears began to roll down my cheek. "Please leave me alone" I cried "don't worry I'll protect you" a kind voice said it calmed me.

I peeked out my blanket. "Who said that?" I asked "don't worry about that you'll know what day just sleep and everything will be ok" the voice said "ok..." I said I layed down and closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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