New home

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Me and my family were driving to our new home. Ice my white stuffed bear sat in my lap as I looked out my window. My sister Amber who is 16 was texting on her phone and my brother Roger who is maybe a month old was sleeping peacefully. I still have no idea where he came from...

We drove past a place called Freddy Fazbear's pizza. The sign had happy animals on the front of the sign. Qe didn't have anything like that at my home town maybe we can go one day.

We pulled up to a white house with a light grey roof. I jumped out the car. I ran inside. I hadn't seen the inside yet. Our stuff was already there wait for us. My family came inside the house.

"What you kids think?" My father asked "it's awesome!!" I said happily my father chuckled. "It's ok" Amber said with out looking up from her phone. I hugged Ice. His white fur was so soft.

He had dark blue eyes and a pink nose. He wear a light blue bowtie. My grandfather gave him to me when I was a baby. "Leo come here I want to show you your room" My mom said "ok!" I said and ran to her.

She leas me down a hall way to a white door. She gestured for mw to open it. I grabbed the door nob and throw the door open. Inside was all my stuff. I was surprised to see I had two doors.

I opened the other door and it lead to a other hall. At the end was a golden bear with sharp teeth. I stirred at it confused. "You ok sweet heart?" My mom asked "a bear was down the hall" i said looking up at her.

She seemed confused. She looked down the hall. "What are you talking about?" She asked "He's right her-" I looked down the hall and he was gone. My mom chuckled. "I think someone needs a little sleep" My mom said

"But..." I said "you were just see thing Leo" my mom said she kissed my forehead and said "now try to sleep" she said and left. I know I saw something...

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