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I exhale sharply and set my tone to honey-sweet

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I exhale sharply and set my tone to honey-sweet. "Michael. I need to talk to you. You were right about Lucifer -- he doesn't love me. I'm...I'm considering going back."

A soft breeze flutters past me, and I hear that fait whisper of feathered wings slice through the air. He's definitely here, but I can't see him. The hall is still empty; he must be hiding on the ceiling. I sigh. This boy is going to need a bit more sugar in his coffee.

"Michael, please," I please softly. "I really want to come back. I miss my family. I miss my school. I-I miss my dad. I don't want to be married to Lucifer anymore! Please!"

Suddenly panicked, I look back at my husband, praying he doesn't believe a word I've just said. Instead, Lucifer smiles widely at me, ushering me to keep up the charade. He's got Leyna hidden behind him, ready for Michael when he takes the bait.

I smile and nod, turning my attention back to the vacant hall. "Michael...if I...if I offered you something...would you help me out of this?"

"And what kind of something are we taking about?" Michael's deep, seductive voice floods the hallway, nearly knocking me off balance.

I hesitate, looking back at Lucifer for the go-ahead. He and Leyna have moved to one side of the room, out of sight if Michael should take the bait. He gives it willingly, almost excited to see his brother fall into his trap so easily. I take a deep breath and focus on the hallway once again.

"I'm not sure...what would you...like?" I make my voice shakier than I feel, trying to play the part of the nervous, scorned lover.

"Oh..." He purrs into the air. "So many options, so little time."

Ugh! Gross!

I can't help my giggle. "I though you angels were supposed to be chaste and holy."

"We are, but we can afford a little playtime here and there. I've been very good this year, so I can afford what most can't."

What? You're suddenly on Santa's nice list?

"Well..." I forcibly stumble on my words, acting shyer than I really am. "I guess you can have your pick."

There's a silence for a moment. "Where's your husband?"

"Down in the Fire Pits. He has some business to take care of with Beelzebub. He'll be stuck down there for another few hours figuring out which souls go where."

"Ah, a clog in the pipes. Yes, that should keep him occupied for a bit. Very well then."

He drops down from the ceiling, his white wings flaring out around him. He stands up, flexing his thick muscles and staring at me like a starving dog. A sly smile I plastered on his face. He may not be fond of his brother of his work, but the idea of bedding Lucifer's nubile little queen has made Michael a bit more accepting of our heating surroundings.

He takes a slow, sensual step forward. "Let's talk business."

Thankfully, I've spent too much time rolling around with my husband to find him sexually attractive, so easily I shift into shy seductress mode and let him have it.

I force myself to nod shakily. "Alright. What is it that you'd like?"

He looks me over a few times before his eyes settle on my breasts. "Those will do for a start."

I pull back an inch. "For a start?"

There's no split payments for this! This isn't a bank loan!

His smile grows mischievous. "I may not be as cruel as my brother, but I do charge a high fee. Now, do you want my help or not?"

I sigh and drop my head. "Yes."

"Good." He steps forward, his hand lashing out to snake around my waist. He jerks me close against him, the heat from his skin searing my own. "Hold still."

Before I can protest, he dips his head and wraps his lips around one of my bare nipples. The sensation is sharp thanks to the absence of my piercings, but not pleasurable. Nothing, not even Michael's tongue, compares to my husband's skill and technique. He can tease me all he wants, but I will never find him enticing.

As Michael takes his payment, my eyes flick over to my husband hiding in the shadows. He's biting his lips to keep from screaming, but his eyes tell me to keep the game going. I need to convince Michael that I really need help. To do that, I'll need to turn up the volume and play along.

I mouth an apology and force a moan from my throat. It's convincing enough for Michael to tug harder, and I weave my fingers into his thick hair to push him farther. While I sound like I'm having the time of my life, I'm really just staring up the ceiling waiting for my husband to make his move...which had better be soon or else I'm going to punch Michael in the dick.

Seconds later, Michael pulls away, straightening so he can grin down at me. Thankfully, an honest blush floods my cheeks, making me look all the more convincing as I look away shyly.

"You are delicious, Amelia." He licks his lips playfully. "If only you were mine."

I offer a faint smile and glance at Lucifer. He smiles back at me and nods, jerking Leyna up from the floor as he readies himself for the attack. I'm relieved that he's finally ready to help me, but I still need to play my part. Begrudgingly, I turn back to Michael, my eyes filled with false hope and worry.

"Now, then. For the rest of my payment..."His smile widens a bit, and he steps back and begins to undo his pants.


"Oh, Amelia. Do I have a surprise for you." He croons to me softly, his tone light and airy, filled with joy and a little bit of mischief.

"My dear brother," Lucifer hums as he steps out from the shadows. "And I have a surprise for you."


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