Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

The rain had eased off as Elena stood at the barn door watching Sally and Zeus playing in the field, a rainbow in the sky someway off into the distance. Damon was stood behind her, their bodies still naked, as he cocooned them both with his arms around her, wrapping them both in one of the blankets he'd brought. Elena sighed with contentment at the simplicity of it being just the two of them, no vampires, no danger, just the two of them, alone watching the horses. Elena turned and wrapped her arms around Damon, leaning her head into the crook of his neck, yet never taking her eyes off the two horses which seemed to relax her. Damon rested his chin in her head he pulling the blanket tighter around them.

"I wish it could always be like this." Elena smiled. "Just the two of us with no complications." she sighed.

"Does that mean you're staying?" Damon asked, his voice full of hope.

"I don't know." Elena told him honestly. "Emily said there was a way for me to go back. But I don't like what she has to do to repair the damage caused by me being here in the first place." she said. "Mostly what she has to do to you." she frowned.

"What would she have to do?" Damon asked tentatively.

Elena hesitated for a moment. "It would require her to cast a spell which would modify your memory. It wouldn't necessarily be forever, just until you meet me again." she told him.

"Why?" Damon asked.

"Because there are things you would need to do and for that you have to become a vampire." she explained. "But, a lot of the things you would do would be bad. You'll kill people, hurt people, destroy lives." Elena told him. "The moment you met me again, everything would come flooding back, and you'd know it was your love of me which drove you to do those things. I cannot live with myself having the blood on our hands of those innocent lives." she added quietly.

"You know I'd do anything for you." he whispered. "If I had to spend a hundred and fifty years of torture, just waiting for you, it would be worth it." he said.

"You'd be giving up your chance of ever having a family." Elena sighed. "We both would."

Damon hesitated for a moment. "Some things are worth the sacrifice."

Elena lifted her head and looked at him. "I knew you'd say that." she smiled. "Emily told me to let nature take its course." Elena told him. "I couldn't decide what to do, and I knew you would go along with whatever decision I made." she explained. "So I thought I'd do what the witches suggested. Let nature and fate take it's course, leaving the decision out of our hands."

"So if you fall pregnant, you stay, we marry and raise a family here in 1864?" he asked as Elena smiled and nodded. "And if you don't you go back home to your family."

"I thought it was the easiest way to decide." Elena shrugged. "You don't mind do you?" she asked hesitantly.

Damon thought for a moment. "As long as we give you a fair chance at staying." he smiled. "I mean, is once really going to be enough?" he asked innocently, although his eyes twinkled mischievously.

Elena sighed dramatically before a smile erupted on her face. "I was hoping you'd say that, because it probably won't be." she grinned.

However Damon suddenly frowned. "You're not just deciding to get married and have a family with me so you don't have to be the cause of all of innocent lost lives are you?" he asked with a worried look on his face. "I mean, this is a little soon." he said.

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