Sam's and Angel's love life

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After packing up they set off stopping for some dinner and then heading out. Angel was still stunned about the boys wanting her around. It was about 2 in the morning when Sam and Dean changed up. Angel hopped in the front seat as Dean stretched out in the back to get a little sleep. Sam turned the radio down a little and the silence nearly drove Angel crazy. He hadn't said a word to her since he found out the truth.

"Sam? Are you mad at me?"

He snuck a peek at her. "Why would I?"

"Come on Sam you haven't said a word to me since I dropped the bombshell."

He glanced back to make sure Dean was asleep before turning back. "I am still just trying to figure things out."

She sighed and turned her back to the door and looked at him. "Fine ask anything you want?"

"Why hide it from us when we asked you to come along."

"Because I heard rumor of the Winchester's having a friend among the angels and I was under the impression that my father had ordered the termination of me and my mother."

When he frowned she knew he was still upset. She took a deep breathe. "You tell me Sam? What would you have done if you were in my shoes?"

Sam sighed. "I guess I would have done what you have."

She nodded and looked down her mind going to her mom. She was brought back when Sam slipped his hand around hers. When she looked up he gently tugged on her hand and she scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder.

"May I ask what happened?"

"I never really saw dad, I mean Cas, he showed up maybe two three times a year till I was 13 and things started changing. I was able to do things not other kids to do. It was just a day after I turned 14 when Uriel came. He was in a different vessel then what you saw him in. He had me and mom and told us dad had ordered him to take us out. He made another angel hold me as he placed his hand on moms head. I had to stand their and watch him burn her from the inside out... I was so scared and mad I didn't care what happened. I don't really understand what happened but the angel holding me disappeared and Uriel's vessel exploded. As I took everything I needed I left the house I didn't stay in that town any longer then the funeral... I left after that and travel around. It was a few months later I started hunting and saving people... I hunted for a year before I met Gabriel. I was on a case of a trickster and when I finally met him I knew he was an angel and more so he knew who I was. But he didn't want to hurt me. In fact he taught me how to control the angelic powers I inherited... About a year and a half 2 years ago I felt something in my heart and I knew Uncle Gabriel was in trouble. I arrived when Lucifer left. He actually saw me. He looked and smiled then left. I ran in and saw uncle Gabriel dead on the floor."

When her breathe shuttered Sam tightened his hand around hers. "I couldn't help it Uncle Gabriel was the closet family I had beside my mother. I cried. Again I don't know how I did it but I had placed my hand over his heart and the next thing I knew he was alive. After seeing I had been crying he held me and told me I had brought him back."

Sam felt her snuggle again his side a bit. "You've been through a lot. Just like me and Dean. We lost our mother when we were little."


"Yeah. A demon killed her, then our dad packed us up and we started traveling as he became obsessed with hunting the demon."

Angel looked up. "I'm sorry I guess it was hard on you."

Sam nodded and turning back he maneuvered the Impala off the main road onto a dirt road and shut the car off.

"We'll stop here for the night and try to get some sleep."

Before Angel could answer Dean let out a snort and turning over continued to snore. Both she and Sam laughed. Stretching out Sam pulled Angel close so she could snuggle against him and get comfortable. "Try and get some sleep Angel we have another long drive tomorrow."

She nodded and snuggled closer. "Sam?"


"It doesn't change things does it? Me being half angel?"

"No Dean and I don't care."

"Okay." They were silent for a while. "Sam?"


"Since Dean is asleep can I ask you something?"


"When was your last?"

Sam tightened his arm around her and knew what she was asking. "About 9 years ago."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Well the one woman I was really close to and would have married was Jessica. I went to help Dean one weekend and the demon who killed my mother killed her."

"Oh Sam I am so sorry."

"The other was a woman I met when me and Dean were hunting a werewolf. Her name was Madison. I thought I was really..." He sighed." Well things didn't work out after getting really close to her I come to find she was the werewolf or one of them. I had to..."

Angel looked up and saw the sadness in Sam's eyes. She couldn't help it he has been through a lot when it came to the heart. She leaned up and with her lips trembling trying not to cry she kissed him. Sam ran his hand up into her hair and held her close as he kissed her back.

She pulled back and laid down against him her head settling to rest on his neck. They stayed like that quite for a while.



"What about you?"

She sighed. "I was close only once. His name was Hunter and I thought I really loved him. He was always so kind and sweet. He took care of me when I needed it. I was with him over a year. I had stopped hunting and tried to have a normal life. I gave Hunter everything. He was my first in many ways. One day I got home from work and found a different car in the driveway. It was Valentine's day and I had came home early I was gonna make him a special dinner and when I walked in I heard something from upstairs. You see Hunter was a fireman so sometimes his hours was different. I had walked upstairs to our room and saw him in bed... With another woman... And not any woman it was the woman I had come to know as my friend. Right there in front of me he said it wasn't his fault I didn't understand. I couldn't take it. I packed up and left. I never wanted to see him again but I had to get my things from the house. I quit my job and went back to the house we had together. When I was packing he came in with her on him arm. He stopped when he saw me and tried to hide her like she wasn't there.... Come to find he been cheating on me for months. Lydia was 3 months pregnant with his child... I finished packing and left."

Sam held her. "Believe me if Dean or I were to see him we would hurt him."

She sighed. "Well you might. One of the hunts I found is from his town. The victims was Lydia's sister."

"We will help you... Now it is early try and get some sleep."

"Alright... Night Sam."


As she snuggled closer she heard and chuckle and a "night you two."

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