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They hiked for about two hours before they stopped for a break.

"Do you anything to eat?"

Angel smiled and looked up at Dean. "Yes Dean." She opened her pack and pulled out three packs of Beef Jerky. She tossed one to Dean and one to Sam. "Munch on Beef Jerky." She checked her watch. "We should hike about three more hours then we'll make camp. The Caves will be maybe an hours hike tomorrow from the campsite."

They ate their Jerky and set off again. The next three hours was mostly quite other then listening to Dean fuse.

They were hiking for what seemed like two hours before they reached the mountain ridge.

"We need to head up a little to get to a clearing there we can set up camp for the night."

Dean looked up distress on his face. "Camp for the night? Please say you are joking."

Angel smiled. "Not joking Dean we are camping tonight."

"Can't we just kill the creature and leave?"

Sam looked at his brother. "No Dean because this thing is more powerful at night and it will have the advantage."They climbed the ridge trying to avoid the slippery edges.

They were halfway up when the trail became more narrow. Angel hefted her pack higher on her shoulder as she followed Sam. Somewhere along the trail he had dubbed himself leader or this hunting party. She was now in the middle Sam walking in front and Dean trailing behind grunting and occasionally cursing.

Angel looked up at Sam to ask him what the trail ahead looked like but before she could say anything there was a yell. She turned to see Dean lose his footing and starting tumbling over the edge.

"DEAN!" Sam and Angel screamed at the same time as they dove for the elder Winchester. Angel caught his wrist and Dean being heavier them her pulled her over the edge with him. Just as her feet left the ground Sam grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her up. Once her feet were firmly on the ground Sam turning his attention on helping her bring Dean up.

When his feet landed on solid ground he fell back and leaned against the wall.

"Oh man can we just turn around please."

Angel and Sam laughed. "No Dean we can't"

"Don't worry we are right there just up there."

Angel got up and pulled Dean to his feet. She smiled. "How about you walk in the middle for a while."

Dean gripped and followed Sam as they headed up the trail.

When they reached a small clearing Angel stopped. There was a rock wall on one side and trees all around.

"Okay Boys were here." They sat their packs down. "Sam could you and Dean go collect a lot of wood for me and I will get on at cooking supper."


When Dean and Sam left Angel got to work. She pulled out the tent from the pack and put it up. She pulled out the ground mats as well as the ground mat from Sam's pack. In seeing there was only one tent Angel set the mats in the tent along with three sleeping bags. Thank goodness her tent was made to hold up to four people. Taking out her shovel she dug a hole and using rocks she found made a fire pit. Finding two nice logs she pulled them around and sat them at the fire.

When the boys got back they sat their wood down and Angel made the fire. Pulling out the roast she sat it in the cooking pot and cut the potatoes and put them in and add the can of beef broth and some water. Letting it cook she sat down.

"You boys might want to put your packs in the tent."

Dean tilted his head and smiled. "One tent?"

Angel glared. "Yeah so shut up. We'll all share it, it is big enough and don't worry we all have out separate sleeping bags. " Sam and Dean sat their bags in the tent and sat around the first.

Two hours later Angel pulled out the plates and sporks and after serving the roast they sat and eat.

Dean was rubbing his stomach by time they were finished. "Man that was good... Dang if you cook that good on a fire I wonder what you can do with a stove."

Angel smiled. "When this hunt is over how about I cook us a dinner."

Dean laughed. "Something to look forward to."

Angel stretched and yearned. "I am heading to bed see you guy tomorrow."

"Night Angel!"


She smiled to the brothers and made her way back to the tent. Closing the door she quickly changing into her pajamas. They were black and white animal heart print. Sitting down she slipped on her black, white , and pink Bethune socks. Pulling the sleeping bag down she slipped under and covered up. Snuggling into the pillow she closed her eyes.

While she slept Sam and Dean talked about how they were going to proceed in the morning.

Sam stood up. "We should get some sleep."

Dean smiled. "Oh yeah!"

"Dean?" Dean didn't answer Sam as he went into the tent. Sam followed and pushed Dean away as he went to lay down beside Angel.

"Back off Dean she will hurt you."

Dean laughed and laid down beside her and turned on his side away from her. Within in a minute he was snoring. Sam laid down beside Angel and looked at her. She seemed peaceful asleep. Sam reached over and gently moved her hair out of her face. As if she knew it was him she snuggled closer and laid her head on his shoulder. Sam smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled the blanket over them

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