Chapter 4: Unresolved Issues

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Dammit... Xana thought. There's the TARDIS again... And if the TARDIS was nearby, that meant so was Theta. She sighed softly, then went to investigate the TARDIS.

She found it unlocked, which, to her, was strange. Theta didn't usually leave his TARDIS unlocked. Slowly, she pushed open the door, careful not to let it creak too much. Sticking her head in, the Psychic saw the Doctor sitting on the floor, reading.

When he heard the door creak open, the Doctor looked up from his book. When an unfamiliar redhead poked her head in, he smiled slightly, but frowned internally. “Well, hello there,” he said, getting to his feet.

Xana laughed coldly. “Oh look who doesn't recognise me,” she spat, ,then came all the way into the TARDIS. And then she stood there, hands on her hips, glaring at him until he finally recognised her.

When he realised who she was, he was shocked. He'd thought she was dead, along with the rest of those on Gallifrey. “X-Xana?” he stuttered.

She growled slightly. “That's Psychic to you, Doctor,” she snapped.

The Doctor shook his head sadly, sighing slightly as his smile fell. “Yes, yes. Of course. Sorry, Psychic. I'd forgotten.”

Xana snorted. “Well, don't forget it again.” She sighed angrily, unable to believe was she was about to say. “I need your help.”

Theta looked at her, surprised. “ what?” he asked, somewhat unable to believe his ears. The Master's sister? Asking for his help?! That was unheard of!

The Psychic took a step forward menacingly. “You heard me Theta. I am not repeating myself.”

He chuckled softly, raising his hands in the air. “Alright, alright! What do you need my help with?”

“Finding my brother.” was all she said.

The Doctor sighed softly. “I haven't seen him in a very long time,” he said sadly. “The last time we met, he actually saved my life.”

Xana scoffed at that. “You realise that that is completely ridiculous. He despises you.”

The Doctor nodded. “I know, I know. But I think, deep down, the Master still cares about me.”

The Psychic rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever you say Doctor. But you're still going to help me find him.”

The Doctor raised a brow. “Or what?” he challenged.

Xana snarled at him, and, lightning fast, threw the Time Lord across the TARDIS. “Because if you don't,” she threatened, moving over to him. “I'll kill you, and just take your TARDIS. Understood?”

Rubbing his now throbbing head, Theta looked up at her and nodded.

Xana smirked. “Good. Now. Get up. We have work to do.”

* * * *

With hoods up over their heads, both the Angel and the Master stared their search once more. It had been nearly a week since the two had found each other, and this Wednesday was no different. The Master had arisen before the Angel, and went on a hunt in search of breakfast. He'd made sure to get up earlier than her, because he knew she didn't approve of his...meal choices.

Upon returning, he'd found her wide awake, and ready to begin the search once more. So, he'd put his hood to conceal his face, and started to walk off, never saying a word.

The two rarely spoke to each other, unless Karrielle began the conversation. But today, he decided to start it off.

“Why is it that you seem so intent on helping me?” he asked quietly, his voice slightly muffled.

“Why is it that you have always rejected Theta's help, yet readily accepted mine when it was offered?” she replied with a question of her own, not looking at him.

The Master paused to think about it first, before answering. “That's actually a good question,” he said, finally glancing over at her. “One that I don't have an answer to.”

The Angel nodded slightly. “I see,” was all she said, before a silence fell over them again.

After walking for a while, they found themselves in the park. Frustrated, the Master sat down on one of the benches, and put his head in his hands. The Angel stood nearby, leaning against a tree.

“Would you like to stop for the day, Master?” she asked him.

“No!” came the angry reply. “I want to know why we haven't found the Doctor yet! I'm sick of searching!”

If she was being honest with herself, Karrielle was tired of searching as well. But she wasn't about to give up. “I understand. But we musn't give up yet. He is around somewhere...”

“Then why haven't we found him yet?!” he growled. He was irritated and hungry. It was nearly lunch time, but there was nothing he could do about either of his emotions. His irritation would somewhat subside as soon as they found Theta, but his hunger would have to be satisfied later.

“I do not know,” the Angel replied calmly. “But we must keep hope that we will find him.”

The Master started to snap at her calm composure, when he heard a faint sound, which grew louder with each passing second. He looked at her sharply, then put a finger to his lips.

There was a loud whine that filled the air, instantly filling them both with hope. It was the sound of the only TARDIS left in existence, and when she landed, there was a tall redhead that exited.

At first, the Master thought his old nemesis had regenerated into a female. He snorted softly at that, but stopped as he felt a familiar presence fill his head.

His breath caught in his throat, and tears nearly came to his eyes. {Xana?} he called softly to her in his mind.

The woman turned sharply in their direction, and smiled, which was a rare sight to see indeed. She all but ran to the Master, and as he held his arms open to receive her, he felt truly happy for the first time in a long time.

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