"Thank You, Zack." [AU]

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Requested by LizzieIsKawaii

This is Part 2 of "I Didn't Come Here To Help You" and hope you enjoy it 😊

Also, don't have any idea for the title 😶


6 years . . .

It's been six years since [Y/n] moved out from her hometown and lived with her relatives. She learned how to defense herself since her 'best' friend, Zack gave her a dagger for her protection. The dagger was like a memory of her spending time with him before her life started to get terrible in each moment. With her telekinesis ability, she was treated as a monster or better as a witch since her mother was one of them. A human with an ability was like a witch to everyone around them. Her relatives hate her and thought of [Y/n] as a disgrace to her family for coming into the living world.

As a reason for her parents' death.

She knew her relatives were trying to hurt her by emotionally but she wouldn't give up and let them hurt her like what everyone always did to her. She missed Zack so much even though he never acknowledged her as his best friend unlike her. He always thought of her as an annoying girl but always come to the rescue of scaring the bullies away or comforted her when she was in depression or stressed.

Sometimes, she asked herself. Did Zack become soft only for her? She knew he wasn't a kind person and always harsh to everyone. She remembered the memory of Zack told her that he killed someone before he met her as a way to get rid of her by scaring her. Unfortunately, his plan didn't work because she believed there was a reason of why he killed them.

"If you're really a killer, then why you didn't kill me yet?"

It was a question that make him silenced, realizing there was no other way to get rid of her and stayed as her friend. That day was also the last time she saw him and didn't have a clue of his whereabouts. It was a week before she moved out to stay with her relatives.

A sigh escaped from her mouth with her [e/c] eyes stared at her hand, twirling an old dagger between her fingers. She couldn't explain this . . . warm feeling she had when she thought about him. Sometimes, she feel worried about him. Is he still alive? One question that always appeared randomly in her head, asking whether he was alive or not.

Her [h/c] hair swayed gently through the cold wind, rubbing her arm with a hand that didn't hold the dagger. It might sound like a stupid decision but she had to admit to herself that . . . she likes him . . . a lot. Unfortunately, she knew her feelings was nothing to him because . . . Zack is Zack. He wouldn't fall in love with anyone except his blood-lust to kill anyone who dare to interfere with his joys.

"When am I going to see you . . ." [Y/n] whispered, glancing at the sparkling stars in the night sky.

"[Y/n]!" A voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, catching her attention. She was confused of who shouted her name at this late night. Her eyes looked down from the balcony and let out a gasp with her eyes widened, staring straight at an unexpected person. She couldn't believe it . . . Bandages and a hoodie with stained blood on it. She only know one person who dare to wear something like that.


"So, this is where you were hiding, huh?" Zack smirked. [Y/n] was smiling, happy of seeing her best friend once again and he was standing below her on the ground in flesh. Not someone she saw in the dream and she knew it wasn't a dream at all. He glanced at Rachel, who handed him an array of rope into his hand. Leaning his scythe against a pillar, he spun the rope for some momentum and throw it into the sky, toward [Y/n]. [Y/n] was surprised of his strength to able throw the rope because she couldn't throw it to the third floor easily like that! She went forward, taking the ropes into her hand while making sure she wouldn't fall from doing it. She tied the rope around the balcony and watched him started to climb up.

She backed away, letting him climbed onto the balcony and stood in front of her with his usual smirk. "Found you, [Y/n]." He said. It was like a scene where a prince would climb a tower and came to save his Rapunzel. "Z—Zack . . ." [Y/n] mumbled, still feeling surprised of his sudden arrival. "You still look small as usual." He said, looking from head to toe. Then, his eyes widened in shock as a pair of warm arms wrapped around his waist.

"I—I'm glad to see you're still alive!"

He let out a sigh, placing a hand on her head. "You're still a crybaby, huh." He said. [Y/n] chuckled and stepped back while rubbing her eyes to wipe the tears off from them. "And you're still a mean boy after all these years." She said, which he let out a chuckle. He lifted his hand and looked straight into her eyes. "I learned that you hate your family, so how about we run from this hell?" He offered. A smile formed on her face and she nodded her head, grabbing his hand into hers. "Let's go, Zack!"

He smirked, placing his arms underneath her legs and her back before picked her into a bridal style. She gasped in shock, wrapping her arms around his neck as he started to jump down from the balcony. They landed softly on the ground, placing [Y/n] down on her own foots. "T—That's amazing!" She said. He really wasn't a normal human like she thought!

"Let's go. The security might noticed us because Zack already killed two of them." Rachel said, which Zack nodded. "Wait . . . Who are you?" [Y/n] asked, confused. "My name is Rachel Gardner. Zack promised to—" Zack quickly grabbed her hand, dragging her into a run, which caught her with surprise. Rachel sighed before following after them, escaping the place. An alarm rang around the mansion, alerting the guards of having an intruder.

"This isn't good! They're going to surround every gates to corner the intruders!" [Y/n] said, panicked.

"We know, so we already make a plan B." Rachel explained. She stopped and took out a mask, handing it to [Y/n]. "Put this on." Without a word, [Y/n] nodded and put it on her face. "Get ready, Zack." Zack chuckled, having his grip on his scythe. "You don't need to tell me twice!" Rachel nodded and grabbed something out from her bag.

"W—Wait! I—Is that . . . a grenade?!" [Y/n] asked, eyes widened in shock.

"Don't worry, [Y/n]. This isn't a normal grenade." Rachel said, pulling the pin off from it and threw across the ground. Soon, the front gate was surrounded with green gas and in a flash, Zack ran forward with his scythe swang around through the gas. [Y/n] was amazed of his skill before getting pulled by Rachel, heading outside of the mansion. "Over here!" They ran further away into a thick forest, where no one would able to find them in the darkness.

After they reached a safe distance from the mansion, they stopped and [Y/n] took off the mask before gasping for air. Wearing that mask sure make her having difficult to breathe but . . . she was feeling happy.

She finally able to leave that awful place and . . . meet her best friend once again with . . . a new friend of his.

"Are you okay? You wouldn't stop smiling." Zack asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm just happy to see you again. That's all." [Y/n] smiled. He nodded and turned away from her before taking a glance over his shoulder. "I . . . also happy to see you . . . again."

"What?" Rachel asked, looking at Zack. "Are you been nice?" His face started to heat up but glaring at her. "Huh?! Me been nice?! What a joke!" He defended. "Don't lie." She said. "Do you wish to die?!" He threatened. "That's my request after all, Zack." He growled, forgetting of her request for him to kill her. [Y/n] was confused of what happened but inside of her, she was surprised of his sudden kindness.

Zack was arguing with Rachel before he froze on the spot, feeling a soft pair of lips on his cheek. "Thank you, Zack." [Y/n] whispered in his ear. His face turned red and slowly, nodding his head while looking away from her with embarrassed.

" . . . It's nothing . . ."


Fuh! What a hard scenario there! I work really hard for this one, so remember to leave a vote if you like this chapter!

Also, have any question? Leave it in the comment section down below

If you see Zack been OOC in this chapter, then I'm very sorry for it!

Also, I'm very sorry if there are some mistakes in grammars or spelling.

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