which Robin was the hardest to train
and why? - nighstqr
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. all right , they all had their faults , just a disclaimer
because i know the boys will all argue about this
at one point . so i'm going to break it down , dick -
he had the flexibility && was easier to train , but he
worshiped me as batman . it was hard trying to teach
dick the concept between life && robin because - he
saw some very intense things && took it home . luckily
he was a good kid , but I had to teach him on how to
maneuver past that - in my own immature way . but , i tried to
model the essence of robin with the others
, unfortunately who took it the hardest was jason . hell , I had him
dye his hair , but he was very stubborn , as he is today , which
I respect him for . he had to learn self control , && still needs
too , especially when it comes to human life . he && I tend to
bud heads with that . I enjoyed being with him out on
patrol , * he nods as he rubs his lips together as he looked
at his signant ring * && Jason needed to learn to be more
confident in his actions , because he always believed he
couldn't handle , && he always forgot how he was on the
streets . . * he nods as he pursed his lips together * but next ,
about tim - I was && will be hard on him because I see he could be
doing so much more . he forces things - he needed to learn to breathe
&& just - patience really . . damian is a great warrior && like Jason needs
to learn not to kill && damian needs to learn not to fight every thing
that moves . but they were all hard to train in their own way .